Looking to lease a 2017 BMW i8 - need expert help!

Looking for a BMW i8 lease. I’ve looked around but don’t really see much info for current December deals.

Is achieving ~ $1500/month with no money down, reasonable for a 2017 BMW i8? 36 month lease, 10k miles a year.

I’m located in SoCal - let me know if you know any dealers that can do this.

It greatly depends on the MSRP of the car and what options it has. Some i8’s are around 130K and some are over 150K. I have seen certain i8’s leased for around 1K as well

I can’t offer much on the i8, but have you considered an nsx? Much cheaper and much faster. Definitely can get done within your budget.

someone posted this a few days ago, maybe an option?

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve looked at the NSX. From what I’m seeing it’s around $2200/m with $0 down.

If there is someone doing it for $1500/m with no down - I’d take it today.

thanks - I saw that but he is located too far from me :frowning:

There are multiple people who got the deal done for under $1500 on the NSX (myself included).

It isn’t very easy though. You need the 30k acura and then additional 20k or so from the dealer. Look for demos with a couple hundred miles on them.

@enicity maybe seller is willing to pay for shipping

Seems highly unlikely, this would have been possible last year when the residual was like close to 70%. If I can work out a deal for you let me know. I currently have a Crystal White Pearl Metallic with a Ivory Interior for $148k.
email: khurramt@shellybmw.com
phone: 562-857-1809

Sent you an e-mail. Thank you!

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i’ve replied. @enicity

Do you know what they call Acura NSX in Europe? Honda NSX :grin:
$200K Honda doesn’t sound the same :thinking:

And they call VW for Bugatti? :thinking:

They are not exactly the same cars, are they? While NSX is.

And if you cut the Honda engine in half you have the same number of cylinders. Problem with the i8 is supercar price m3 performance. I can list ten cars I’d rather have for the money.

Do you drive one daily? Seems like an aspirational statement, otherwise.

If you’re speaking to me, yes, my i8 is my daily and then I have another toy for the weekend.

I was responding to hassleon. :slight_smile:

Those with i8s know what they’ve got. :+1:

works better for McDonalds… McRoyal :slight_smile: