Looking for Lease deals on '23 Ascent touring or Palisade Calligraphy in SoCA, other options? TIA

Southern California

Looking for year end lease deals on either of these 3 row SUVs

Ascent Touring
Palisade Calligraphy
MDX Tech
Other comparables?

Did you check marketplace or search for any recently shared deals from other hackers? That would be where I would start.

Otherwise I would recommend going to Edmunds to get the money factor and residual value for your zip code for the months/miles you want. Put that information in for an MSRP deal in the calculator and then figure out what discounts and incentives are possible. Find your target number and then present that deal to the dealer who has the vehicle you want and see if they’re willing to accept it.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Please keep all your “wanted” ads here - Part 3