Looking for a new Mercedes 2024 GLA in South Florida

I need to get the 2024 GLA. Went to a dealer in S Florida and getting a ridiculous price for a lease of this ~45k msrp car. I’ll keep the dealership name private to protect the innocent.
To lease for 48 months they want 4k down and 800/month for this car. They’re totally trying to f us here.
Other than a 1k loyalty incentive (we’re getting out of a 36 month Mercedes lease soon), there’s no other incentives or discounts.
Any advice or info like what others have paid for this car? We’re looking at a base model not AMG and open to buying but not at the price I’m getting.
My wife wants this car because its low to the ground and doesn’ feel like an SUV.

Have you figured out what target lease payment should be on this car with expected discount, any incentives, base MF and RV for your term and DAS using the LH calc?

I would look outside of SFL. It’s a dealership wasteland down here. They’re so used to ripping off clueless people down here that they think it’s the norm.

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