So i’m having an issue with a car leased through a maryland dealer. I live in ny. Its been about 5 months and i still dont have plates. The dealer is having trouble getting it done and i’m not too familiar with the process outside of ny. Anyone with experience doing this? Is there some special process to follow so an out of state leased can be registered in ny? Ive leased from nj and ct in the past with no issues. Thanks.
Sorry I have no experience with NY but I had quite a problem when I leased a vehicle in PA right before I moved to FL. The dealer couldn’t give me a temp FL tag because I still had a PA license. So I go to the DMV in FL and they won’t register the car with just the pink slip. But PA won’t forward the permanent registration. I was in such a pickle! Eventually I did receive the forwarded PA registration. But, because of that, I would think twice about doing this interstate thing again and now you have another example.
Dealer is playing dumb, tell him to do his job. There shouldn’t be a reason for him to leaving you hanging, you paid for the out of state registration fee. I purchased my silverado from maryland, im a nyc resident. This happen to me, i called and they gave me a extension paper to keep in car incase of pull over
Post a review of it on google, it’ll get them moving
there are often issues with the following in NYS
- The insured on the 3 bar code card being the exact name on the motor vehicle form.
- If multiple lessees, BOTH must appear on the DMV form.
You can call the DMV and ask about the status of your reg. Often, they will tell you what is missing / wrong. You should get on this though.
You can use this page as a way to see if your plates have been issued yet:
If you put in the info and it returns no info, they’re not done, if it comes back with a lien recorded, you can at least know the plates exist and the work has been done by the DMV.
If im not mistaken correct me if im wrong. Once plates are issued they get delivered back to dealer, then dealer sends it to customers home?
Almost always, yes, depends on the title company.
Yes they provided two more temp tags. About to recieve my third
Thank you for the link. I looked it up and it sends back an error.
Thanks. I’m going to reach out to dmv today and see whats going on. I looked it up on the dmv website and it shows an error. That just might be a nys turning off its databases in the evening thing.
An update to anyone who’s interested. DMV had no record of any submissions, reached out to dealer who continues to say they are working on it. No clue what to do now.
BUMP. I am going through the same thing with a MD dealership. I will never buy a car in MD ever again. Can ANYONE offer some advice here?
I’m still in a loop of broken promises with MileOne Dodge of Owings Mills. I am 7 months into an 18 month lease, with no plates. Part of the reason I got the hybrid vehicle was to use the HOV lane. Unable to get the pass without plates. Let me know if you get your issue resolved. I contacted all owners of the dealership and started finally getting responses but still no results. I think there is some kind of issue with NYS DMV and whatever they have going on in Maryland.
It’s a combination of issues.
NY is the only state in the entire country with these stupid barcoded insurance cards, and they must be perfectly encoded or you won’t get plates.
They also have verbiage that your card cannot be used to obtain registration more than 45 days from the effective date, so if you haven’t sent anyone a new insurance card with a fresh effective date, nothing’s going to happen at all until you get them that and they resubmit.
Contact your leasing bank and get them involved, they’re going to care when your lease is up and they don’t even have a title for the car.
Thanks. I did not know that. Appreciate your help.
My plates are on the way with a tracking number! Asking dealer for insight on what finally got this to go through and will let you know.
Unsurprisingly after this debacle no further communication from the dealer about how the application was finally approved. I did copy much of the advice I got from the other members on this forum and sent it to him to review before it was approved so possibly one or many of the things mentioned worked. Good Luck!
Can you repeat that advice here? I am dealing with the same MileOne Heritage dealership in Owings Mills. They are the absolute worst. I started to see some responsiveness when a new GM was hired, but in the end he’s giving me the same run around.