Let me help you get a lease!

Hello LeaseHackrs.

My name is Leon.

I would love to offer a service where I will find the car you ask for and the lowest price I can find nation wide.
I will not charge any money upfront until you ink the deal with the dealer and on good faith you pay my fee for finding you the deal which is 100 dollars. Whether you want to lease or buy a car. I will find the cheapest rate and offer you tax advice on how to pay little to none on the car you purchase or lease.

Let me state again I will take no money at all until you ink the deal just to build my reputation.


Are you licensed as a car/auto broker?

Are you qualified to give tax advise?

Tax avoidance is illegal, you know.

Tax avoidance is legal. Evasion is illegal

  1. I am not a licensed car / auto broker. I dont handle your information I just solely send you the contact of the dealership and the sales person who is offering car in return you give me 100 dollars if you proceed to do the deal.

  2. Am I qualified to give tax advise. No im a college student majoring in biology however giving my opinion on stuff that I did for buying cars is not illegal.

The tax avoidance is not illegal as montana state law has no requirements to opening a LLC and the law firm that does this has been doing this for over 5 years with no problems. However montana has realised that people with super cars or even ordinary people use this loophole. they’ll be changing the law to charge 1 percent sales tax of the items bought price. per year. But that will be enforced in maybe 3-4 years. I can also give advice on how to safe hundreds or even thousands of dollars on insurance.

Everything I do is 100 percent Legal.

Montana doesn’t care that you register the car in it. That’s not the tax avoidance. California says if you’re a resident of California, your car has to be registered (and hence taxed) in California. Same for many other states. As I’m not an expert on every state in the union I’m willing to believe that perhaps some states aren’t so strict. If California would find out that you registered a car in Montana but the car is primarily driven in California, they would go after you for tax evasion. This isn’t a slight issue, they encourage/reward citizens to report on cars with out of state plates.

I’ve personally have had montana plates on my cadillac over for 3 years. Been renewing and insured my car with no problem at all! here is a link to support my claim

I do agree that yes you can be reported in california for instances but if i’m being fairly honest most people in California mind their own business and its the same if you title your california and wait 90 days to get a license plate and just never put the actual plates on and leave your dealer plates for years. But like I said it is my opinion if you want to take it or not that is solely up to you. Its like

As I do the same as you, this is illegal. You must have a surety bond (most states). Not “100% legal”

I am not a legal expert in automotive brokering, but what makes this service offered by Leon seemingly different is the ‘good faith’ nature of his service. As he has no legal claim to earn the fee he seeks, the payment is indeed a good faith service for successful advice and referral. His fee, if paid in good faith at all, has nothing to do with the car purchase itself and the fee is not contingent on anything at all, other than the benevolence of his ‘clients’.

Leon doesn’t owe anyone anything and nobody legally owes Leon anything. So long as this lack of contract remains, I see major difference between many lease brokers or ‘consultants’ and this service.

How? I literally do the same exact thing.

Anyways, Good Luck Leon, I sincerely wish you the best, just trying to make sure you don’t get sued by anyone and follow the same rules everyone else has to.

Good luck. I will test you out. Looking for a Grand Cherokee Overland to lease in NY. 7500 miles a year or 10k is fine. No loyalty or conquest rebate.

So does someone in CA need to be registered in NY to email a few dealers in NY for $100?

Like I said I dont " hook you up" with anything at all. I just merely mention that this thing exists. I have no affiliations with any law firms that do this nor do I get any commission for you to open a llc. it is on your own to decide if you want to or not. Also want to say In good faith it would be nice if you paid me 100 for sitting down for an hour or two and calling a place to see if they have said car at the price they have listed. You dont have to be you’ll be on my list of assholes whose house I gotta egg :slight_smile: .

Edit for Nyclife : from california in my area im seeing deals of sales price of 47,280 and a discount of 10k. I’ll contact them and see if the prices are right but on average the discount is 10k-8k from the MSRP.

Your still defined as an auto broker, which is okay if you have a surety bond

I think there is a difference between a broker and the OP. He is just going to find the best deal and provide contact info of the dealer sales agent to talk to. and thats where his work ends. Thats what he is doing for my BMW 430i. Looks promising to me

That is literally what all non-local brokers do. He works “for a fee” and “assists” the purchase of an automobile defined by the NY state guidelines

Why not ? Looking for a land rover Discover Sport SE or HSE

some of the #'s I have so far … looking to lease this month

I saw one advert for a 291 w/ 3995 for an SE 10k miles. I forget where but I would add it to your list. BTW I think it was 33 months

do u remember where? would love to get details.