Lesson learned C43 Mercedes

Some trying to understand why they charged me for maintenance yet it’s not showing on yours this must be something different from what you have

I did not purchase the pre-paid maintenance.

Something’s rotten, and it isn’t the Surströmming.

No, you are right it says that. I don’t know enough about these things is this cause to unwind it? How could they screw that up so bad it’s not even close??


Learn & make it up on Your next lease. Welcome.

At this moment, you don’t have a valid contract on the car. This is amazingly fortunate for you.

Take it back. Calmly tell them they’re welcome to propose a better price or they can keep the car.

What’s the worst that happens?


Can you explain the rest of this story?

Is the contract you have the only one that you have signed? When did you sign it?

Why are the terms so drastically different on the one you’re supposed to go sign tomorrow?

Are you currently driving the vehicle?

I’m thinking this may be an old deal that OP has just now realized how bad it is. Hopefully it’s a new contract with a huge error that allows OP to get out of it.

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He claims to be signing the new contract tomorrow

No I’m getting some money back tomorrow on the extras I’ve had the car for over 2 years

He also said he’s “gone through so many tires on this car”…

None of this fits in my head.

Ferchrissakes hire a broker next time.



See you back here in a year, hopefully on a better lease deal because this deal is hands down the worst C43 lease I’ve ever seen.


This is getting very confusing.

I think this is an old one where he’s just telling his horror story.

You’re right. When I read that, I just assumed he was talking about on the previous lease.

Yes this is a do not do what I did

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I mean to be fair I’d take a C43 for $900 over a Honda Pilot for the same payment :man_shrugging:


I’d pay $900 for both.


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This might help



Why take either? You get to choose how to spend 900 a month. I’d rather have an m850.