Leasing BMW X1 in PA

I’ve started looking at bmw x1 recently and got responses from few dealers in PA and NJ in the range 450-550$
Probably not even worth negotiating.

Then one dealer email me this:
2017 X1 loaner
Black leather, Cold Weather, driving assist, premium, navi

MSRP $45000
MF 0.00156
36 months, 10k
$3730 due ($2500 down + 1st mo + $925 acq.), registration and PA tax are included

Is this one looks like worth going to the dealership and negotiating?
It > 400/mo if down included. Also in the best traditions of famous dealership practices, the sales refuses to give me a copy of official quote, thus I need some help with this bs.


ridiculous numbers. I think a lot more room to negotiate. For that price, you should get a Brand new 2018 X3

Does this even make sense?
15% off msrp, which is still pretty low for a loaner
and then 7300 initial payment wtf

Could somebody explain these number to a total newb?

The initial payment of 7300 includes your rebate of 4,000 and out of pocket of 2814.36.

Ask @conanohasselhof for contact in Baltimore. You may get a better deal.

MSRP on that one is 45,145. Sales price before incentives is 37,938. Add another 4k in there, and he has himself a better deal if he’s willing to drive. Good call.

Here’s a recent data point on a 2018 New x1 in Northern California:

$45,585 MSRP
(5253) Discount 11.5%
(3000) incentives (Loyalty, financing, costco coupon)

$37,332 Net price plus tax/license

To keep the score: I ended up leasing it with zero drive-off for 327$, 10k

That’s a nice deal for East coast area.
I decided not to look for anything amazing, it was taking too much time and dealers on east coast are not that tech savvy.

Now getting used to the car, it is a completely new vehicle compared to previous x1 generation!

Can you share me the lease details and the dealer contact. I am looking for x1 BMW.
Any other dealer you think a good one

bmwofreading.com 202020

That’s the loaner car?