Leasing and Window Tint


I used the search function and I wasn’t able to find anything that answered this question. I hope this is the right sub-forum as well. Getting ready to buy my daughter a car for upcoming graduation but looking to settle a debate in my house about leased cars and the ability to tint windows. My MIL states that the dealer she bought from told her explicitly that tinting windows was a no no due to her not technically owning the car. To me this doesn’t seem like a big deal. I’m not putting a lift kit or modifying the engine or anything like that. So can anyone help settle this. Is it ok or not?


We leased a Ford fusion years ago and tinted the windows, turned it in with the tint and had no problem. Ymmv

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There are some lease contracts that say no tinting, but I haven’t seen it in most I’ve looked at. Always a good plan to check your contract and make a decision accordingly.

You may be asked to remove it at lease return, however, unless it’s poor quality/obviously illegal tint levels/etc, I wouldn’t expect that to occur.

I bet if you had asked that dealer to tint the windows for you when you got the car from them, they would have been happy to do so.

Tinting every lease we have. No issues.

Tint can be easily removed. It is simply film applied with soapy water. To remove you need the window to be warm and find a good edge and peel away.

Tint is no issue with leases. I have tinted plenty of leased vehicles , most recently 2 weeks ago on my current car.

I try to just ignore anything my MIL says, it makes me a lot happier


Definitely not an issue. Even have had dealers throw in tint when signing the lease agreement done at the dealership.

As you get older, this rule applies to the wife as well.


I’m starting to see that too :rofl:

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Hendrick dealerships here in Charlotte tint basically every car before they even put it on the lot. No issues turning in a leased car with tint.

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Tinted my last leased bmw in OR, and dealer took it with happiness and said as long as it’s legal tint, they don’t mind at all

Yeah too bad the problem is dealing with Hendrick dealerships…

This has been discussed before. Consensus, at least from people in the sunbelt, seems to be that nobody bats an eyelid because almost 100% of cars there get tinted.

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