We have 24 month EQS sedan and EQS SUV leases maturing in April 2025. I’m not 100% sure how pull-ahead works, but from what I can find it looks like we are within that time frame of 5 months.
Love the cars and would be happy to continue with a good lease on new ones given the Amex changes coming what’s been posted. But totally fine waiting until April and seeing what’s good then and potential moving to BMW or Audi EVs.
I always lease two comparable vehicles at the same time, but this hasn’t seemed to make much of a difference in negotiating in the past. I would think it would be an easy 2-for-1 for the dealership, but this just doesn’t seem to be the case. Maybe because we are in Florida. Would love thoughts from the hackrs on this.
Also looking for insight on MB pull ahead and how that works. Are dealers adding these payments back into the new deal? Or are those remaining payments truly wiped off? I can’t find a clear answer on how this works which would be helpful for deciding if it’s worth pursuing new leases at this point.
Appreciate any thoughts on the situation and pull-ahead programs in general.
Dealers aren’t typically looking to do two great or good deals for the consumer at the same time as they would rather do a “maybe good deal” for the consumer on one and the other one, they would rather shoot for the moon and roll the dice that a less price sensitive customer comes in. In Florida you have a very high doc fee and a relatively captive market with a ton of money and a good bit of that money is with older people who would prefer to pay more but have a local experience vs shipping or using a broker from a more competitive region.
On the pull ahead, if it is official documentation from MBFS then it is a true pull ahead versus a mailer / email from your friendly dealer which usually implies it is a pull ahead. However it is more than likely smoke and mirrors and they will roll the payments into the new deal by offering you less off the new one or they will mark up the money factor or any combination of things that give the appearance of a good deal but really are not.
Thank you. I was just thinking of loyalty as “same brand.” I see the note from @mhj202 on the timing and criteria of loyalty. Very much appreciate you both commenting.
Thank you for sharing the link to AutoAction’s deals and the additional info. I’m happy to use a broker for ease. I just always worry about reaching out if we aren’t 100% sure on timing or brand. My spouse just had a great experience with one, but knew exactly what he wanted and the timing.
Mercedes Loyalty: Applicable for MBFS leaseholders who’s leases are expiring before APRIL 2025. No exceptions or loopholes, Mercedes is very strict this season
Mercedes Reignite: Same benefits as loyalty. Applicable to customers who bought out an MBFS lease between 2021-2022. Once again very strict from Mercedes
Pull Ahead: Pay your last 3 months on ICE cars. Last 5 months on EV cars. Doesn’t matter when your lease is expiring. 3-5 months will be removed from your balance and you will be responsible for what remains.
If you made your December payment and have a lease expiring in May, you can get a new Mercedes now unscathed - that’s where I come in
Let me know if any further clarifications are needed!