Leasehackr Meme Lounge (Part 1)

Where is @RustyDaemon when we need him the most? lol



Now you are giving him compliments? Because thatā€™s how heā€™ll see it :slight_smile:

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Good. He will then realize that heā€™s a moron.

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Isnā€™t there a way to put a user on probation where their posts have to be approved by mods or admin?

If so then a lot of this trolling is self-inflicted at this point.

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Oh, shut up. You are his enabler, go like more of his posts lol

@drdvrgs - vhooloo was not an idiot by any means. He lost his shit and started trolling, however.


I recommended that type of moderationā€¦ either a shadow ban where nobody sees Ericā€™s posts or mods have to approve/release his content before the site can see it.

But Eric said that was a violation of some first amendment and said heā€™d sue LH. I think the mods may actually agree with Eric about the leftist-libural-censorship stuff, because they tend to allow his comments about the evil-democratic-boogeyman to stick around.


Iā€™d love to see their private 200 posts long ā€œEric51ā€ thread :grin:


Donā€™t tempt me. Iā€™ve got spare likes today and you know Iā€™m a contrarian by nature. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Libs def have their own set of issues but none have to do with the response to this guy. Iā€™m pretty sure his level of annoyance might be the only bipartisan agreement in existence on this forum.


If that was doable, all social media would be drowning in court cases for any type of moderation, instead the reverse is true and all major platforms are getting beat up for spread of misinformation. To top it all off the guy admitted to trolling repeatedly, which even if he had a case, would erase it pretty quickly.

Why do you think this guy is here, he probably got kicked off from every major forum and platform, so he found the one place where no one has the balls to tell him to go pound sand. If mods are so concerned, the owners could step in, seeing how private business and what not.

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Personally his misinformation doesnā€™t bother me much because there will always be someone to correct him. Itā€™s his quadrupling down in the face of indisputable facts that puts him at a clinical level. Heā€™s wrong often but he admits it never. I feel for his family.


when did the meme lounge morph into a copy of your bigoted uncleā€™s facebook posts.


Personally his misinformation doesnā€™t bother me much because there will always be someone to correct him. Itā€™s his quadrupling down in the face of indisputable facts that puts him at a clinical level. Heā€™s wrong often but he admits it never. I feel for his family.

Look at it from the perspective of any new forum member, nobody is going to dig through a ton of Ericā€™s drivel to get to the morsel of useful information. First reputation of the forum goes, then the brokers go, and then we are all collectively stuck in r/askcarsales trying to figure out something over a course of a month that this forum does in 12 seconds flat. Eroding of trust is much faster than gaining it.


Bigoted uncle? Itā€™s likely just his own Facebook feed that heā€™s cross posting.



4D chess moveā€¦ this is the mods attempt to gain negotiation leverage against the site owners to make being moderators a paid gig.

