Leasehackr Meme Lounge (Part 1)

idk man I’m just a “formerly suspended broker”, what do I know :man_shrugging:

clearly the tech support and a forum moderator know more than me.

people are mad I call it how it is and it’s not what they want to hear.

A place where only “people in the business” offer advice/guidance around pricing sounds a lot like r/insidecarsales


It’s tech support, forum moderator and dick measuring champion industry member to be exact. I don’t recall anyone saying they know more than you. What I recall though is “only industry members should be the judges of how good discount is” statements. You call it “how it is”, I call it BS. It sounds pretty ridiculous to me, but hey, what do I know, I’m “tech support”. That’s literally the only thing that I know well doh


We don’t really that about that there. It is mostly just story telling about how they did too many drugs, manager pissed them off, friend died, etc. Sometimes general dealer advice for green peas.

I could make that my flair on r/insidecarsales if I wanted to.

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You’re welcome. You won that contest fair and square :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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K maybe I’m thinking of another subreddit where people ask salespeople



brokers dont go on that subreddit and it’s a bit different than here. those are car salesmen. most car salesmen dont know what the hell theyre selling.

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That is the one. There is a problem there of people without flairs (confirmed sales people) giving bad advice or trying to act like 1980s stereotypical sales people. I have stopped going on there because users who were not flared would have their bad advice voted to the top since it was what people wanted to hear.



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I don’t partake however there is a corner of the internet for everything. Considering all the stupid things customers say and do I think it is good to have a spot for salespeople to gripe about the nonsense poopypants.


Yeah, I visit it occasionally for a quick read, it provides decent entertainment value. Some threads are just about that, salesfolk venting about crazy customers. I just cringe every time I see “best price lease advice” threads. It’s like gazelle coming up to a lion to ask for dinner advice. Gold nuggets of responses such “you’re getting $4000 of rebates already, you want DEALER discount on top? have you no shame?”. Stuff like that. Also, any mention of LH gets instantly downvoted.


I’d say LH gets pooped on at /askcarsales and /askcarsales gets pooped on here at LH.


There we go. So let’s shut down LH and redirect all incoming internet traffic there


Fair assessment. All is balanced in this world and that soothes me :blush:

Oh I bet they’d want that very much… gross gross gross

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Not just superior, but superior before, during and after sale

Customers are pretty damn annoying which I don’t have anything against r/askcarsales. We need a place to vent lol. LH members really don’t have an idea of the amount of shit we deal with daily.

For example, I recently had a LH member I quoted walk into the store and shop my offer against the other sales manager. I caught on when I was standing in his office and overheard the salesperson say he brought up buy rate and edmunds and the quote he was trying to beat. Sure enough it was my quote. I had my salesperson poke him to see where he got the offer from and he said “I got it from Ethan but I’m trying to get a better deal, don’t tell your manager and go see if he can beat it”

He got kicked out of the store, but not after getting creepy with my salesperson (she’s 19 and the customer was in his 40s) and trying to add her on Facebook lol

This is pretty mild compared to what I deal with on a regular basis


Name names!

Man, some people suck. I’d never be able to work in cust service industry. You guys should have milk bonuses given to you for working in these conditions… If this is mild, would you mind sharing most spiciest of stories? :wink: