LEASED! 2020 Acura MDX SH-AWD base

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Acura MDX SH-AWD BASE
MSRP: $47,925
Selling Price:$40,042
Monthly Payment: $400
Drive-Off Amount: $2043
Annual Mileage:10,000
Leasehackr Score:10.7
Leasehackr Calculator Link


Congrats and enjoy new ride.

How much in direct to dealer incentives were rolled into that selling price?

It’s literally tagged…

Can I ask which dealership in NY you got this from?

Goodluck getting this deal, the best i got was 5k off msrp. Wasn’t worth it

Congratulations. Best I could get on this car was $499 a month and the dealer changed his mind :D. Are these numbers including the taxes and all fees?

I got the below offer from one of the dealer after contacting multiple. Do you guys think this is worth it?

What is the break down of incentives here?

What is going on with the fees?

Somehow the calculator got messed up as I was using another calc and updated it. Fixed it now.

What is the bread down of the incentives here? How much in dealer cash is rolled into that selling price?

I would say not a bad offer given the recent deal numbers reported in the forum

About ~9% pre-incentive ($3250) dealer discount. This is a good deal considering the scarcity of MDXs in general. If you’re happy with the deal you should take it. Which state?

I don’t see a breakdown in the numbers that they have provided. Just the MSRP and the Cap Cost. Please find the below:

Ya, I think so. Contacted many, but the inventory is low, so no one is budging it.

What did edmunds give you when you confirmed rv/mf/incentives before reaching out to dealers?

.00010 and 54%
$3250 dealer cash
$1500 conquest

Looks like the Additional Dealer discount is $3684 which is around 8% of the MSRP.

Doesn’t look bad then. There was one deal recently at 9%, but that’s about the best I’ve seen recently

Which amount is that percentage calculated against? A or B?

A) 47525
B) 47525 - 3250 (dealer cash) = 44275

Pre-incentive discount % is based on discount/MSRP

In this case, your pre-incentive sales price is $43841, so the pre-incentive discount % is 7.75%