LEASE TRANSFER: 2024 BMW M8 Competition Coupe - $1518/mo+ tax w/ $2800 DAS, ~12K miles/yr (Over $4K in aesthetic mods)

Hello everyone, my ERAY is going to be built soon and I have a new DD coming, so this is going up for lease transfer. I lost 2 cars in a flood this summer so I knew whatever I had I wasn’t keeping long once my ERAY got picked up. This was about a $17,000 loser for the dealership. I also qualified for loyalty + I got a massive 18.5% pre-incentive discount. This is a crazy lease deal - most people are $5-7K down and $2000+ a month easily. You also get a whopping 1000 miles per month. 9/10 deals are coming with 625 a month. This can be an ultimate DD if you choose. Needless to say its a $150K car so good credit and previous higher end leases are going to be needed to get approved by BMWFS.

When I got into finance instead of doing $1399+ tax with $3650 due, I switched it to sign and drive $0 total DAS just sign which changed it to $1518. I am asking for $2800 as I spent over $4K in aesthetic mods. So in reality, you’re getting a better deal than me as even with $500 BMWFS fee you are saving almost $1000 vs what I am in it for. Options sticker in pics

MSRP: ~$149K
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $1518 ($1633/mo all in NJ)

Current mileage: 3182
Maturity mileage: 36,137
Effective miles per month: ~1000
Maturity date: 8/27

MSD due (if any): $0
Cash due (if any): $2800
Incentive for new lessee (if any): lol

Financial institution: BMWFS
Transfer fee: $500
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): Yes

Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
Better than new. Car has over $4000 in aesthetic mods to make it perfect, 3 yr ceramic coating:
Maxton V2 front Lip
Painted side markers
Aexxon rear reflector delete vents
20% XPEL ceramic window tint
15f/12r MAD wheel spacers
RW Carbon GTX Carbon Fiber trunk spoiler
3 year IGL Ceramic coating + windshield also
OEM all-weather mats, original carpet mats are unused new



Does it come with weather mats :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It does. I forgot to add that. I spent like $200 on them lmao. I do not like any OEM mats dirty so I put them in. The OEM mats are brand new never touched by a foot stored in my house.


A daydreamer didn’t get approved by BMWFS so just giving this thread some love to the top.


Take if off your hands w 0 down - can cover shipping and taxes.

No interest. About 6 people said that to me. If i didnt add the mods it would be bc i did 0 DAS But im losing a bit on them as it is. Someone will bite. Lowest price in country and i just listed it on fb marketplace and swapalease. So i anticipate it will move on swapalease quickly.

Its a better deal than what i got because im eating some of the money i spent on making it look perfect.

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A gift card to morton’s steakhouse and call it a day :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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What is the buy-out amount?

118k now, 76k residual.

This is also under assumption. Person is doing credit app tomorrow, should have an update by mid week.

Available or gone

The car was assumed.