Lease Transfer - 2019 BMW i8 MSRP $160,795, $693/mo+tax, $4400 down + $5600 MSD, 24/7.5k, 20mo left, AZ


I like your assessment since it has numbers that are realistic. However, the caveat is that my coupe deal still has a lower total cost. In addition, if we’re calculating cost per mile, I can easily buy miles right now to push down the figures since it’ll be $0.30/mi assessed at lease end. By getting penalized $0.30 on 4500 - (15000 / 24 * 3) = 2625 miles, total cost becomes $20187.50 over 13125 miles which makes the deal $1.54/mi. Of course, the lessee can do the exact same with a new car. That is why I’m hoping someone can chime in with a worksheet of a coupe for this month. At the end of the day the next person taking this over has the choice to pay less on the total cost if they don’t even drive the full 7500 miles a year over leasing a new one, or they can pay less per mile if they are driving the full 625 miles a month.

It is true that the roadster is a more expensive car and will be a new car, but a coupe is faster and has back seats. For some people that makes a big difference over the initial $0.02/mi difference.

Backseat in these are good for a lunch bag and a purse, not for anything breathing …


I have fit 3 people in the backseats fine…not comfortably though.

I fit my laundry bag and all of my costco stuff in the back seat. It’s very valuable.


Yeah I hear you on that one. But that probably means on top of your deal you should just also pay for the extra 2625 miles in advance yourself. It’d cost you just about $650 but would make sure that the person would be able to drive at the regular 7,500 miles / year rate for 21 months.

In that case comparing the two deals (for me):

New Roadster Deal: Drive it for 2 years, 15,000 miles. Total cost $28,000. $1.86/mile. $1,166/month total cost.
Your Coupe Deal: Drive it for 21 months, 13,125 miles. Total cost: $19,400. $1.47/mile. $923/month total cost.

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My 2cents

Roadster is a different experience

  • I’ve also had the coupe.

The back seats are a pain since people see them and then say “don’t worry I can fit” etc. but you must then be totally squished as the driver unless they are kids.

The roadster is more fun and looks a tad more exotic because of the buttress humps (like lambo etc.)

The coupe is more usable but I prefer the Roadster personally.

I agree the roadster has a more exotic look to it. I test drove a roadster to begin with and just wanted the perfect color combo coupe hence my lease. No regrets on ownership of this car though. It’s hands down the most daily friendly and liveable “exotic” car I’ve enjoyed.

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Lease transfer available again due to previous buyer’s insufficient credit for approval

Beautiful car, but my back is not nimble enough to get in to it. Good luck with the transfer, should go very soon!


I want it can you contact me? I’ll take it ASAP if you still have it

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