Lease take-over for 2016 Nissan Rouge SV AWD

Congrats on your deal but if you know anyone interested in my vehicle share the link. :slight_smile: and for the liability of having the car run into a river. That’s what insurance is for on the car of the new owner also the GAP coverage.

Don’t think you get it. If they run it into a river or intentionally destroy the car crash it and abandon it YOU are LIABLE. GAP insurance doesn’t cover deliberate damage as the new “owner” will be co-owner with you. They can drop full-coverage insurance or stop paying it also and you wouldn’t even know!

Dude let’s put it this way you’re going to remember this thread and this post if this doesn’t go smoothly after the “transfer”.


Nissan does not put me as a co owner of the vehicle.i just checked my contract. But I’ll remember this thread :slight_smile:

Your contract states the terms of a lease transfer?

This is from swapalease, you can probably find the exact information from Nissan’s site too.

If you look under the section that says: Does Original Lessee Remain Liable it then says Yes. So yeah, you will still be liable.