Lease returned registration penalty

I returned my fiat 500e in February a month before maturation date and registration renewal date. After inspection, I returned it to the dealer which they filed out the DMV form (notice of release of liability). Yesterday I received another registration renewal from the DMV with a late payment penalty added.

The car has been long gone, and last I checked its in Ukraine. I also paid the disposition fee, and the Chrysler account is closed as well.
Anyone had a similar experience, not sure what to do besides calling the DMV and sending them the vehicle return receipt along with a letter explaining the car has been returned back to the bank.

I’ve never had to deal with that, but to me your solution would be what I would do as well. (Adding your state as a tag or in the post would be helpful)

It’s a 500e so it’s Ca.

I got one of those a few years back and just ignored it. If I don’t have the car and never ever plan on have it registered again then thay can’t apply any penalties.