Lease return... how does it work?

just Some advice for your next lease, or maybe life in general. If you are not sure about something, ask a friend or someone who has a clue BEFORE you do something.

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I think you should be ok since you prepaid the lease. It’s like prepaying for a week stay at a hotel and then checking out half way. Hotel wins, GM wins. They may bill you for disposition fee etc etc but you essentially ended up overpaying for your lease…

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Fyi, the op drove the car for free and net profit 1500 after the state rebate. Dont judge by the book cover!!!


Did you notice - Cruze here and Volt there?

From the way you wrote it (You turned in a car, you didn’t trade in a car)

If you turn in a car to a dealer ‘blind’ you just opened yourself up for a world of hurt.

You turned in a car without inspection.

You turned in a car 15 months early. (Does GM have a Early Lease Termination Fee? Chrysler does).
You prepaid the lease. (No payments due)
You didn’t prepay the disposition fee did you?

OMG that’s a TON of fees you are going to pay.
Get ready for a bill that will make you lose it on floor.

Oh my bad he paid 1,135 for the cruze… :neutral_face::grimacing::upside_down_face:

Yes I paid $1135 up front for the entire lease. I drive 30k miles per year so I need a minimum of two leases. I leased a cruze and volt in the same week. I decided to use up the cruze to save on insurance after turn in.
I went to a dealer a month ago trying to avoid the disposition fee. My logic was the early return would be a win for gm. Plus I have a volt with them. No such luck. But I did verify no early termination fee since it was a one pay. If there were though, it might be less than paying to insure a car I won’t use.
I asked last Sunday when I dropped the car for an inspection, but they said gm does it, not the dealer. My only concern then is brakes and/or tires. But a cruze with 20k miles?!? How much should I worry about those? Yes I drove like anyone normal would with a commuter.

How did I overpay if I did a one pay and just used the miles until they were gone? Please explain for next time.

You are probably good (no extra charge) for brakes and tires. You’ll most probably will have to pay the disposition fee plus any excess wear and tear.

The dealership doesn’t have any “pull” getting you out of a dispo fee, that comes from the leasing company.
I doubt you will be on the hook for brakes if you drove it normally. Tires a big ‘maybe’, depends how/where you drive. On my car in FL tires don’t last very long which has also something to do with the bad roads so i would be worried after 20k mi but that’s just me, you might be ok. Typically you would do an inspection prior to turning it in so you can fix anything at your cost rather than at GM’s cost (prob more $) but moot point now. Dispo fee for sure, will prob hurt given that it’s like 40% of the cost of your entire lease lol

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Also you are now at the mercy of the inspector. If he feels like being a POS, he can write you up for any number of little dings and or dents that might have happened at the dealership, but you are held responsible.

All I could do was take a ton of pictures when I left it. Just wanted it gone. So next time I will do a pre-return inspection with the dealer a month in advance.
I will also push harder for some sort of indemnification before I turn over the keys.

It is not the dealer who do the inspection. Gm hire a tthird party company to do the inspection, you need to call the 800 number to set up the appointment. Also, They can do the inspection at your house.

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Unfortunately … pictures won’t cut it … the inspector gives a report (with his pictures) and you are done…the ‘Just wanted it gone’ unfortunately has opened the door for abuse.

And the turn in dealer won’t give you indemnification…that’s what inspections are for.

Here is the major issue now. I got a letter from GM that states that they are going to sell my Cruze at auction and stick me with the difference.

WTF is the purpose of leasing if this happens?
Has this happened to anyone?

I asked someone at GM and they said if you return it 4 days early it is still early. I did see someone post on a different forum that this happened to them when they returned a GM car 4 days early.

Any help would be appreciated!

That is one issue I remember reading about in regards to early lease return. Some users kept insisting that if you paid off the entire balance, you are free and clear, but that’s not what the contract says.

Dam that is steep. Guess you cannt do much now. On the last sentence of your contract that you posted it stated “thousand of dollar fee if you end the lease early”

Wait, if you turn in the lease 4 days early there are fees? I can’t believe GM is going to force you to pay the difference because it is early. You are literally doing them a favor… the car at auction will not bring more in 14 months than it will now.

Good catch. The disclaimer is vague though.

Yes I also thought they would win on that. I went to the dealer a month early to see about waiving the disposition fee. We called gm financial and no one ever mentioned any of this.