Lease Negotiation Help

Hi, I am pretty new to leasing and I am looking for some general lease negotiation advice. I have contacted several dealers through email and one seems to want to work with me (they appear to have provided all the information I requested).

I have the net sale price from the dealer, lease term, MF, RV, and asked them to list all fees / taxes. I plug these numbers into the calculator and the drive-off number is matching but the monthly payment numbers are still pretty far apart. This is a direct order and they said there would be no “up-charges.” Any advice on getting closer to the calculated number?

Let’s start with comparing their offer to your calculator to make sure there’s a discrepancy vs information input incorrectly.


There is a lot of useful information in this thread.


Good idea! Thanks - Located in Massachusetts

12K / 36M
RV: 62%
MF: .00123
Sale Price: 35,770
Monthly: $538
Down Payment (Registration / Doc / Title / Tax- 6.25%): $1115

Monthly: $477
Down: $1503

Thank you. I will start here.

Post the actual link to your filled out calculator please.

Where are you located?

Updated with link, located in MA- sorry about that

I suspect what’s going on is some confusion on some of the fees and they’re including estimated excise taxes. MA taxes aren’t nearly as cut and dry as just 6.25% sales tax.

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Much appreciated. I figured something was off. Thank you

No problem. Weird taxes like that can be a tough one to decipher if you don’t know to go looking for them.

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Change your tags to MA please, USA-Nationwide throws off some searches.

Updated. Sorry about that.

Edit your thread title to include year, make and model at a minimum.


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