Lease Negotiation Email Templates in TX

Hello Hackrs, I’m looking to lease a 2022 Acura MDX and I’d like to shop dealers in the dallas-ft. worth area. Can you offer any resources for negotiating the lease terms via email? Any good email templates that work? I’m also looking to get some insight on realistic MF and RV going in my area 75056.

Generally no. Part of getting yourself a good lease deal is being well educated on the lease details, knowing your numbers, and being confident about them.

Repeated templates get easily picked up on and end up with your email in the trash.

Overall, it comes down to determining your target deal, making offers, and showing you’re serious.

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“Hi [Insert Broker Name Here],

I am too lazy to figure this all out and put the work in, so here is what I am looking for and here is my budget.

Thank you.”


Nice! You "ass"ume I haven’t done my homework. Appreciate the response though…

Usually when someone asks here for rv/mf it’s solid evidence that they haven’t done much reading/research here.

Having current, accurate information for residual value, money factor, and incentives is important in understanding your deal. As such, going directly to a source that has access to that data from the captive banks is your best option. The forums at Edmunds are where we go to get that information, as they have direct access to it from the captive banks. You’ll want to post in the model specific thread for the vehicle you’re interested in and request the most current numbers for your zip code. It is often easiest to find that thread by searching Google for “Edmunds lease” followed by the model of vehicle you’re interested in.

Yea, but that’s not the case here. I’ve done my research my main ask was for a template just because I’m leaving town and would like to have something nailed down quickly. Asking for any MF/RV numbers I can compare with was secondary.

Secondary or not, your post is full of red flags of someone that hasn’t done their homework. You’ve basically hit every point that says “I’m brand new at this and don’t know what I’m doing.”

Doing this on the fly and trying to force something to happen is a recipe for disaster. There’s no magic handshake or words to say other than being confident in what you’re asking, sticking to your guns, and showing that you’re a customer ready to act now if they will hit your numbers.

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Saying this for your own good. If you know this little about leasing you are probably going to get destroyed in the finance office.

Don’t be like the guy who was so embarrassed about what happened in there that he couldn’t even own it (“my wife signed everything while I was in the restroom!”).

There are two choices for everyone starting off, including all the regulars here who started off in the same position at some point:

A. Educate yourself with all the helpful content here starting with all the articles in the Leasing 101 section (Blog | LEASEHACKR), and then have an educated discussion about how to make a decent deal better, if possible. None of which centers around how to word your emails.

B. Refuse to spend 30-60 minutes on Choice A above and thus remain uneducated about leasing and get taken advantage of every 2-3 years for the rest of one’s life.

Your call.

emai is no good from what I am seeing.

You really need to get in there and play hard ball. Last dealer I went to was messing around in the fish bowl.

I got up and was walking out, and they ran out to stop me.

I told them time is money and they are costing me both.

They are now begging me to buy.

This is practically every dealer. Because their goal is to wear the customer down until they just say F it.

Stepping foot in the door to begin your negotiation is usually a bad strategy.

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I walk, every time. They come back crawling

Man that sounds like a huge waste of time

they sell cars all day long and do it professionally, the only leverage you have against the weasels are to walk

You give up all your leverage the moment you walk in the door. You’re willingly going into an environment to negotiate that is designed to give them the upper hand.


henceforth why you always walk.

NEVER step foot in the dealership thinking your going to negotiate.

Show us a smoking deal the “crawling back” dealers offered you. Dude you have subprime credit and don’t know which truck to lease. Stop giving advices on negotiations.


I didn’t always have subprime credit

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