Kia Telluride lease


Have you thought about a Palisade Limited? Pretty much the same but theyre leasing better than the Telluride?

much uglier though. For a few bucks you get to look at that mug everyday for the next 3 years. :grin:

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Looks are subjective, I think the Palisade looks better than the Telluride. Not a fan of the T-E-L-L-U-R-I-D-E spelled on the front. And its not a few bucks cheaper, better looks + more discount = better lease

I thought it was the general consensus that giant grills are stupid.

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No one told BMW, Audi, Lexus that? Again looks are subjective, just cause you think it doesnā€™t make it fact. I would rather have the Hyundai over the Kia (in general)

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Huge grills are awful. The Palisade almost gets a pass though when you compare it to the monstrosities that BMW and Lexus are putting out, though.

I do like the Palisade interior more than the Telluride

First time Iā€™ve researched Telluride deals and man they arenā€™t pretty.

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Kiaā€™s offer
3k over msrp
Msrp 42,995
No rebate incentives nothing
Not willing to accept my current
Kia Optima sx which has 2 months of 355.05= 710
Iā€™m 2500 miles over = $500
So 3000 down
649 tax in
Sorry believe
mf .00206
Residual 52%
Im willing to do 600 and 3k down but my current lease has to be taken care of


Just say no.

Have you gotten a price on your optima from CarMax/carvana/shift/vroom?

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Yes pay off is 17000
And car max offfered 15000
Now that was 3000 miles ago when I was at 39,xxx
Iā€™m now at 42,800.
i Genuinely believe a loyal customer the should eat remaining 2 patient and cover my wear and tear and dispo fee
600 tax in
3000 down

Did you try any of the others? They require much less effort and on my last vehicle were thousands more than CarMax.

Youā€™re not going to get anyone here to get.behind a $3k over MSRP deal.

Yes I have attempted several dealers all over The region
best deal I got was
A model S on April
Being founding member bS
At time they wanted 3500 down 453 3/36
Now I want SX

What region are you in?

Have you tried looking at CarGurus for the Telluride, shows which dealers are at, below, or above MSRP.

Also have you checked out a Hyundai Pallisade which tend to go for a better deal?

The dealer by me had a $4000 market adjustment on the Palisades.

Going to have to look around to find the right dealer. There are dealers out here within 30 miles of each other that are advertising Palisades anywhere between $2k under MSRP before incentives and $4k over MSRP.

I have done it all Edmunds car gurus tru car
Most donā€™t have the car and are waiting on arrival

The palisade is not to my liking

But may get a offer see if it makes Kia bite

Thatā€™s a $4,895 adjustment and Iā€™d say NO to it all day long. If anything that should be my discount under invoice for annoying me with their attempt at humor.

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