Kia Sorento $314 a month $11K DAS

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It can’t be 60.55. What’s the actual msrp here, including destination?

In the future, you should always know what the rv is long before ever talking to a dealer.

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Hey, I really appreciate the reply, to be fair, there isn’t too many incentives on these vehicles as they are new. I usually take my time, I have helped several people get leasing surprisingly, I am going through a lot right now, and I guess just impulse bought which I never do.

Looking back, yes I got the car at msrp, which sucks, but I guess I felt so happy to not getting slammed with the 10k addendum from the up the road

Let me see if I can find the sticker

This was your mistake. Next time do everything by email. Enjoy the car.

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Yea so it’s around $43760 destination

I feel like you haven’t really validated this claim.

I think there is a major delta between how you perceive yourself and your abilities. Changing this will require awareness, acceptance and some humility.


One dealer charging $10k over sticker and another charging MSRP doesn’t necessarily make the MSRP car a good deal.

At a $639/mo effective payment I hope it’s at least a nice Sorrento :slightly_smiling_face:


Too bad it isn’t a Telluride. Probably could’ve sold it to Carvana tomorrow and come out with $3k equity.


Around? What is the actual msrp here

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Can you update the title of your post? It is misleading.

Not really. Contract is signed and you took delivery of the car.

You went into a dealership without knowing your numbers, and now expect internet strangers to do what? You SHOULD have been prepared and read what you were signing. I don’t get it - How were you ripped off?

But you got a great payment! @Lazarus @mllcb42

Seriously though, you got the car at sticker and dunno about MF (perhaps it is raised too) and then you have to consider if you lost additional money on your trade too. I doubt you got fair money for it considering everything else.

I’m not aware of sorentos going 10k over sticker… wow


To be positive, the new Sorrento is sort of very nice looking.


If you can find in writing somewhere that they lied to you (ie residual or annual mileage) then you ll have grounds to cancel the contract.

I’m guessing based on price that this is an sx prestige. RV on an sx prestige on a 36/10 is 62%

That puts your msrp at $43965, meaning they actually charged you $1000 over msrp.


Okay, I really appreciate this information, yes I do have papers where they told me the mf was .00114 and the rv was 48%.

I am guess at best I can threaten to give them a shit survey and I can request at minimum to not have the insurance, I wasn’t in good place mentally, should’ve never walked in that dealer but I did…

It’s on me.

I get it.

My corrolla they barely looked at, and it had damage on the bumper which I hid underneath a bra, which I removed once I left… what they gave me, was likely what it was worth maybe $400 more

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What type of deal do you think I could’ve received had I done my actual homework first. Def learned my lesson. And yes the tellurides and sorentos both have outstanding markups in this area. I did looking at the numbers completely walk thus deal down from any markups… if anyone has snapchat I took video of the 10k markup at the other dealership, it’s in Augusta GA, I am in Evans ga. The dealerships are roughly 12 mins apart.

The only advice I have for OP is to do some extensive reading for next time and comprehend what they are reading. They can start here: Blog | LEASEHACKR.

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This is actually the Xline model. So msrp is about 1500 higher than the prestige, I am military so I got the $400 rebate

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