JUST RELEASED - $2,000 i3 Loyalty avaialable with any current BMW! (CA and OR only)

It’s not his job to figure out why your numbers are different from the quote he gave you. As you said, he did not play any games and you lost the car while playing with calculator.

Again I think the biggest point I was trying to make (which is still so hard for me to believe) is this…when you see a deal like this you don’t question it or try to figure out how the math works. You just pull the trigger. I actually wish I would’ve needed another car myself!

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That was my thought, too. Some people are so obsessed with not leaving any money on the table and LH score that they miss the big picture. You didn’t need a calculator to realize how good that deal on a rare D wagon loaner was. And I, personally, wouldn’t care if there was 5k “left” on the table.

Agreed. That was an impressive deal.

It’s funny because I see it all the time with real hackers or hardcore shoppers. It’s like they enjoy working a car deal more than actually buying a car. I swear sometimes they don’t want to actually contract (no matter how good the deal is) because then the calculations will end and they’ll have to go back to doing something else. I get it because I love the puzzle of a deal myself but unfortunately “working” deals doesn’t pay the bills…only closing them. Which is another reason I’m not interested in baiting someone as some people think on here.

I’m one of those people, but I get the fix helping others. When I’m looking for me, my goal is to find and close what I want as quickly as possible.

That wagon was a once in a year find IMHO

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You should become a Trusted Hacker! If I didn’t do it for a living I could totally see myself being on here too. It definitely is fun trying to reverse engineer the deals. :smiley:

Ha! Maybe. My family and friends keep me very occupied.

Ok people .
How much did i overpay ?
I “purchased” one with MRP of 52.400K with 19K off
Used 10K of corporate fleet for purchase and had a 2K off based on the existing i3 i had.

So i just saw this form.
But i must say , other dealers were not giving even this much. In North CA