Jeep Wagoneer Series II Carbide

Feedback Requested
2024 Jeep Wagoneer Series II Carbide

80,000 MSRP
$6,000 discount
$7,500 rebates

42/12k $1,100 sign and drive with Chrysler Cap

I know I can do better. Trying to find someone that will provide $10k discount.

Please let me know feedback and any leads to deals in the southeast.

Thank you

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$1,100/mo to drive that :face_vomiting:

Review some of @djrabbi’s experience with these


I will give you my grand wagoneer for $1200 a month and keep it on my credit.


That car is ABSOLUTELY JUNK. I wouldn’t even wish @Martin_A that bad luck lol


Hah i was about to tag you so you can say how much you love yours

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FCA called saying they going to give me a $10,000 coupon for new vehicle. i said no lol

Maybe I should change my search on a Tahoe. However, I would have to purchase one.

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Avoid the Wagoneer. I was curious so i looked at the forum, its impressive that they made a car that unreliable.

I guess an expedition would be another one to consider

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Yes I’m actually waiting on new diesel Tahoe or suburban to be released. I think 75% of wagoneer owners are unhappy

I’m in the 25% I guess. The wife loves hers. 2024 Carbide. I would have chosen a sequoia platinum if it were up to me though


I don’t think this is the right place to ask for an opinion on a Jeep Wagoneer. Anything that is full size, I’m considering a niche market and usually these SUVs are not leased but purchased. Luckily for some, due to a lot of problems with the first batch it’s possible to get a nice deal on a current year Wagoneers, which by now should not have early day problems. Is it perfect? No, it’s not. But what cars are? There are always people that think they have the worst make/model ever. As for the looks it’s subjective. My wife drives an iX which many people don’t consider pretty. But since it is a BMW and leases well, it does pretty well here.

With that being said the numbers look good and somehow I think you’re considering Wagoneer not to pick up some chicks at a night club :grinning:. For the rest you can’t get anywhere close, number wise, with the competitive makes/models. So, pick your battles and choose what’s important to you and your your family,


I think the issue with GW is the 22" wheels, air suspension, and suspension parts. I don’t think carbide has air. My air suspension has been replaced twice now and potentially 3 pending what the dealer says.


$300 now lol

I think I did pretty good here. Please let me know your feedback.

MSRP price:80k
After discount and rebates: 57k
MF: .00209
Residual 48%
With US Bank

$849 with only first payment

Over a typical finance period you’d have spent $62K in lease payments and no equity. How is that fair to your future self?

Do you recommend financing not leasing on this car?

I think they are offering 3.9 for 72 months

That car will be worth 50% less as soon as you drive it off

Either way, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Just depends which foot… lol

Also with US bank, your trade in during lease period will be different for dealers vs you. Payoff is much higher so yeah.

Damn, 3.9? There were no lending incentives when we bought ours. Sitting at 6%.

But yes, if you’re going to drive this car, a purchase is probably the better decision.

I’d recommend looking further into which one is the best purchase among Tahoe, Exp, Sequoia etc

Since none of them have good lease programs.