Jeep Sahara 4xe (loaner) - Good or Bad deal?

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Is this a good or bad deal?

What is the discount and what is the breakdown of the incentives that are being applied?

At a glance, this does not seem great at all for a loaner 4xe Sahara. You can get a higher stickered unit for about the same money.



Discounts are 12000. No breakdown

Oh boy, that bad?

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Yeah, this is a very poor deal on a brand new unit… let alone a loaner. Do not sign.


Yes, that bad.

And I’m not just saying that because we are working on an i4 deal either. There are way better cars out there for that kind of money.

dean winchester running GIF


Will not. Thank you

Understood. Thank you

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Is this Good or Bad?

$400 per month feels like a deal for me.

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Please tag if your question involves a specialized topic (e.g. tax, insurance, legal, shipping, 3rd-party-buyout, lease-end-purchase, lease-transfer, etc.). You will reach experts faster that way. View all tags at FORUM | LEASEHACKR.

If you asked for a deal check, circle back after you have signed a deal – the community always loves to hear back! Submit your deal to SIGNED! (

The monthly looks good but without filling out the calculator with incentives, fees, etc. Can’t even tell what you are paying for and how much discount you are getting.

Your calculator doesnt represent a real deal. You need to put together an actual calculator for comparing.


There are no other fees. Just first month’s payment to drive this

There absolutely are fees. They may be included in your lease price, but they exist.

You can not effectively evaluate a deal without knowing what it even is.


I leased a brand new one for under $400/month for 24 months for my kid. Check @IAC or @AutoNinjas

You need to get a proper breakdown from the dealer or show us the rest of that paper if you have it, my best guess is the dealer is using their rebates to net out sale price and you are just setting the sale price as that in the calculator with zero other context - with the massive rebates you get on these things that takes away a lot of that discount appeal. I’m going to refrain from offering an opinion without more info, but if you want a transparent quote on one without playing a guessing game you are welcome to inquire with us.


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