Jeep lease buyout question

My lease would have terminated on June 10 but I sold my car to a Honda dealer on March 2. So I didn’t have to pay my last 3 payments and am waiting for a check from the dealer for the equity. One thing I learned was I wish I would have started the process earlier because I was getting multiple offers and a few dealers came back a couple days later with better offers after I already sold the car. I was trying to sell before my next payment so was a little rushed. My GC was in perfect condition with no scratches, little wear and tear, clean interior, no mechanical issues, etc. which may have helped get strong offers.

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I traded it 03/01, lease was up 03/22. I had one payment left on the lease.

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Thank you both for the feedback. We have about six months remaining, so will probably start seeing what options we have beginning in April.

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