Jeep GC L Limited . Selling price and incentives


Hello Hackrs.
I am in conversations with a dealership in Massachusetts for a Jeep GC L Limited.
I asked them for the selling price and they responded the following:

MSRP $57,085
Selling price $51,585

I am trying to close a fair deal using the calculator and I can see there are some incentives for which I would be eligible.

Bonus Cash $2000
Lease Cash $500
National conquest (I am currently leasing an audi q7) $500

My question is, should apply those incentives in addition to the discount on MSRP they are offering or is it that they have already applied those?

BTW first quotation they sent is pretty bad 799 month with $1000 DAS. And this is for 36/10K

Thank you.

Step back for a second. Have you identified which vehicles in this segment have the best lease programs?

Not really. I love my audi but prices are joke. I saw infiniti has some good discounts.

Take a good look through Marketplace

For example Volvo has good deals for those with loyalty. Even without loyalty Mazda CX90 is worth checking out.

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Take a look here for example lease pricing via a broker you can use as a baseline:

They more than likely have already included those in their number.

This problem is resolved by making them an offer rather than asking them how much they want you to pay.

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If your in mass - reach out to @Bostoncarconcierge he’s the go to Jeep broker.

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