Is an 8.5 on an XC90 T6 Inscription considered a good score these days?
The score is irrelevant. You need to compare against other deals, primarily on pre-incentive discount normalized for buy rate.
What do you think of the calculator I just shared then? Does it look reasonable to you?
Have you properly accounted for the Volvo-to-Dealer lease cash in the selling price offer from your dealer. Most lease deals pivot on their pre-incentive discount.
If you need help figuring out your pre-incentive, review this post:
Where is your tax? What’s $2k incentives - loyalty? What region are you in? Your score means nothing.
No tax, in NH. I don’t qualify for loyalty, but have teacher and USAA. In northeast.
You can’t combine USAA and teacher and they both $500 on lease, I believe. Check incentives on volvo payment estimator or on Edmunds
I did, it only said $2000 lease bonus. not totally sure what that means
Yeah, $2k incentives and $500 USAA. Did you include $500 in the selling price? If not, add to incentives. Discount is great, if it’s not a loaner.
I did include it in discounts, and no it’s not a loaner. Should I hold off til next week to see what September incentives might be?
Your total incentives should be $2,500 and you have $2,000 in your calculator. Just in case - make sure you don’t count $2k incentives twice: in the selling price and in the incentives
got it. I definitely didn’t count the $2000 twice, I just left the $500 in discount instead of added to incentives like I should have.
Here is the cleaner calculator. The discount is still very strong at almost 12%
Thank you. A nod of approval from you pros goes a long way!
The discount might be strong but the rest of the deal isn’t. Middling RV, lack of larger rebates and no use of MSD.
Yes, it is what it is. The only thing he can do here is MSDs. But recent V60 Inscription deals are great even with lower discount due to low MF, decent RV and high incentives.