Is This A Good Deal? - 2025 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Summit $62,355

The Jeep Grand Cherokee L Summit doesn’t seem as if it leases well, but my wife loves the car. I’d love to hear feedback on this lease. Feel free to let me know where I could improve it! Lewis Center, OH 43035

Am I reading this correctly?

Yes, but if you look at the right side of the document you’ll see the selling price is $59,355. Wouldn’t the $3,000 reduction bet eh same as MSRP adjustment?

So what represents the delta?

What is the mileage adjustment for? And is there a $1250 rebate?

looks like an ally lease, so there’s a $1250 idl rebate.

OP- overall the deal seems bad but do yourself a favor and get the jeep website tdm for an extra $1k rebate. keep shopping

The delta is the dealer discount

Looks like it helps get the residual value up?

No rebate on this trim level

No, because it includes a $1,250 rebate.

But stepping back, let’s say there are no rebates/incentives, does $3k off a $62k Jeep sound compelling?

I’m not in the market for one, but from what I’ve gathered through osmosis, it’s an atrocious proposition.

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Where can I find this TDM rebate? Do I have to go somewhere special on the website?

there’s a million threads about it on this site, just search “jeep site tdm”

Or perhaps the “base” MF they were quoting is for 15K miles?

That was my impression, as well, but I haven’t been following GCL threads.

Here’s the thing…I’ve been negotiating with at least 5 different dealerships and they all wanted $1,100 per month with money down as a starting point. I ended up getting $4,250 in discounts and used the Leasehackr tool to get a price and it came out to roughly $890 per month. I’m now looking at the lease paperwork and although some of the numbers are moved around, the payment still comes up to $898 per month. I’m sitting here thinking I did a great job haggling over the past 2 weeks to get this number and virtually everyone is telling me it is a bad number and I could do better. This is an honest question…do I suck at negotiating, or is it the Jeep lease deals that suck? How can I find out what a good deal would look like if every dealership I call starts off at $1,100 per month? It makes me feel as if the Jeep just doesn’t lease well.

Recent discussion on this trim is that it’s not a worthy lease target due to the programs, and there’s nothing you can do about that.

So that’s part of your problem.

The other part is $3k off including incentives** seems preposterously weak.

** We normally don’t use this combined metric because it’s misleading. Dealer has nothing to do with incentives.

You’re asking about negotiating skills, but if you don’t have a target pre-identified, you really aren’t negotiating. You’re sort of stabbing around. This rarely works.

Lots of dealer math errors. Why am I not surprised? Have you looked at the atrocious math? Why is the sales tax rate 7%, yet the tax rate used to compute the cap reduction tax is 9.253539% which is a bogus tax rate in Ohio. Also, the summation of the so-called non CCR Rebate is not 1250; it’s 1331.78.

Bottom line: DAS = 1081.79 plus 38 monthly payments of 898.64. Frankly, the CCR of 883.77 was calculated incorrectly. Lease needs to be structured properly. BTW, effective May 1, 2023, doc fees, per Ohio HB 66, are no longer taxable in Ohio. To wit…

Ohio House Bill 66 | Ohio House Bill 33 | Commercial Activity Tax

Is the Dealer Doc Fee Taxable?

Ohio: Documentation Service Charges Excluded from Sales Price | Sovos

If the dealer isn’t transparent or is uncooperative or showing signs of incompetence, WALK AWAY AND MOVE ON!

Leasing is time-consuming and requires a good deal of study and attention to detail. If you don’t have the time to commit, perhaps your best alternative is a good broker. There are some outstanding brokers on this website. However, if you’re willing to commit your time and resources, always control the deal. That can only be achieved with education which breeds confidence and increases the likelihood of success.

??? Let me know.

EDIT: Deal is poor at best. Only a 4.8% dealer discount. I’m guessing that you should be targeting an 8% - 10% dealer discount.

So I have the target identified. 2025 Jeep GC L Summit at $62,355. There are no incentives for this trim. I’ve been negotiating specifically on a Summit at this price point for about 1.5 weeks with multiple dealers. What do you mean by pre-identifying a target? I thought I did LOL

Thank you for this input, much appreciated!

How much you’re willing to pay based on what the market’s actually doing.

Did she do a test drive? I think she will stop loving it and this will help you to find a car that leases better.