Instructions on how to get a BMW OL incentive - Ultimate Drive Events UDE

Yes, the UDE OL code should be exactly the same format and restrictions as you’d get from a dealer hosted event.

All OL codes guarantee $500 from BMWUSA and a potential voluntary $500 contribution from the regional dealer.

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For the folks that received the OL code from NJ event. What’s the expiration on it?

Jan 4 2021…got mine 24 hrs after


The fine print states the code is also valid for the entire household not just the attendee.

Just received the ol code. Exactly 24 hours after checking at the NJ event.

Below is the fine print.

I went this morning. They were kind enough to let me check in all four of my family members at one time :wink:

Well-organized and well Covid-safe. Even a nice sized bottle of sanitizer to take home.

So I guess a custom build wouldn’t be eligible?

This might be the best event I’ve ever seen for a bmw event!!
Must have an official golf handicap to join!!

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Seems like you need an official handicap to win, not to join.

fine print states otherwise I think

Can multiple OL codes be applied? Or they don’t stack?

No, they cannot.

Haha, that would be crazy (but amazing). I would attend every event they offer and get $15k off :rofl:

Does OL stack with college grad? I was told no by my dealer, but thought I read otherwise elsewhere

Yes OL does stack with college grad.

See above .
Show them this

Does anyone know if PenFed and OL combine?

Yes, they do stack

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No, PenFed is considered a Type J incentive and does not stack with OL/ Event codes.