Infinti Lease Questions

Hi, new to this forum and have a question about Infiniti leases. I am pretty comfortable with leases and do my research. Typically starts with lots of research in forums to get residuals and MF, what people are paying, etc. So I am looking at an Infiniti SUV and used TrueCar to get a baseline sale price. There do not appear to be any incentives on leases or purchases on the model I am looking at (QX80). Used all of my research to come up with a reasonable figure but was told the Truecar number is for purchase only, not lease. I have used TC before and as long as there are not specific purchase incentives, it doesn’t matter. I am calling BS. Doesn’t anyone have any experience with Infiniti, TC and leasing? Is it possible they have back end dollars for purchase only? And at .00159, it’s not a killer MF.

Thanks in advance for any advice or knowledge.

In theory, I like the idea of TrueCar, but I’ve found that the “agreed upon” prices that they give you aren’t that great. I think your best option is calling a bunch of dealers and getting their bottom line price. It blows me away at the discrepancy between the price one dealer will sell a car at and what another will. I don’t have a good answer other than check with a couple of dealers because you will find out quickly whether or not they are BSing you.

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I would ask them to explain why they cannot do TrueCar pricing in a lease. You will either find out they are misinformed or they are just spewing bs at you and hoping you’ll believe it and sign an expensive lease.

If doing this over email, make sure you push back every time they reply with “why don’t you come in and we can talk about it.”

Bottom line, you’ll probably need to try another dealer.

Thanks for the info. Their explanation is that Infiniti (Nissan) financing gives them more money, hold back or whatever on a purchase that they do not receive on a lease. Doesn’t make sense to me, why wouldn’t Nissan financing want to make another 4% on their autos by leasing? I have always had a hard time with Infiniti, and it doesn’t help that this just isn’t a very popular SUV so not a lot of real-world data on the forums out there.