Infinity QX60 Good Deal?

I have a quote for a 2017 Infinity QX60. The Dealer is in Illinois but the car will be registered in Michigan. Here are the details:

MSRP $52,945 (Premium Pkg, Premium Plus Pkg, Driver Assistance)
Selling Price $47,708
39 Months
57% residual
.00103 MF (.00013 after 9 MSD)

$6,778.67 total due ($5850 is MSD)

Should I jump on it, or try to work on the offer? Thanks in advance for any advice out there!

We leased a 2017 QX60 last month with same packages plus Theater plus 20 inch wheels for about $490/month using max MSDs and $0 down for 39 mo/10K miles. Plus, they paid the remaining 5 months of the lease of our previous QX60 (well, Infiniti paid 2 and the dealer paid 3). So you may have a little more wiggle room. Good luck!

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I am interested in qx60 too. Can you share your dealer info. Thanks

I got basically the same offer from multiple dealers here in the DC area. There’s a huge amount of inventory in this area right now.