Could you please provide lease numbers for a 2016 Infiniti qx50 with premium package for the San Diego area?
12k/24m and 12k/36m
Also any incentives? Thanks!
Could you please provide lease numbers for a 2016 Infiniti qx50 with premium package for the San Diego area?
12k/24m and 12k/36m
Also any incentives? Thanks!
Also, is it possible to do MSD with infiniti? If so, do you know how many and how much it would reduce the MF?
Thanks again!
I am not in the socal but I do need a car now and I talked to a dealer this morning for a 2015 Infiniti Q50, two loaded cars:
basically full loaded, the manager told me 39 months, 10000 miles/year, zero drive off fee and zero down payment, $420 a month tax included.
this one does not have the technology package, comes $400 a month.
I do not know if this is a good or bad deal, but I do need a car and infiniti is next to my place.
any thoughts for this price or suggestion to lower it?
Thank you!
2016 Infiniti QX50 RWD
24/12K: 68% residual, .00040 MF
36/12K: 61% residual, .00040 MF
No publicly-advertised cash incentives or rebates, but Infiniti tends to offer a lot of dealer cash on their cars.
Infiniti does offer an MSD program. Check out Leasehackr Calculator, which has a MSD feature by brand: http://www.leasehackr.com/calculator