Infiniti Lease Turn in - not a great experience so far

Just FYI I turned in my 2013 JX35 on July 1st and it’s now August 22nd and I have YET to receive my MSD’s back.

I just called them and they say it takes 4-6 weeks. Well it’s been 7.5 weeks but they said they didn’t receive paper work from dealer until July 8th. Ok that’s 6.5 weeks so still over. On the call it sounded like they were just sending it over to the “right department” now after my prompting them.

While the MSD’s are good take this into account when planning your lease…

Did the inspection turns out fine? Go ahead and login to your IFS account to see if anything there.

Philip - did you get your money back ? how long did it take ? did they return 100% of your deposit?

I just leased a new infiniti and curious about what to expect in 3 years…