Indian Scout Bobber Sixty ABS

Hello, just looking to see if anyone has driven an indian scout bobber in general and your experience? Had a motorycycle like 5 years ago and really miss it and looking to order one with the local dealer. practically 16k with option and freigh/paperwork (being told inflation/price of fuel and etc).

@mllcb42? Shot in the dark here, but…

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this is the exact bike I’ve been drooling over for the past 3 years :weary:

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I also was looking at harley’s but i really like the ABS option and entry level cruiser not customizable…added a passenger seat/legs/LED headlight and its the black smoke option too <3

You know anybody in queens (Richmond hill in specific)? A few people have em there.

Unfortunately I do not :confused: Thank you though!

A coworker of mine just got one and absolutely loves it. Other than looking at it in the parking lot though, im not particularly knowledgeable on them.

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