(I'm spooked) 2024 Jeep Grand Cherokee L Summit 12/36



Dealer started trying to change numbers in Finance after I reached a deal with sales. I have not signed the bank’s lease agreement and looking for help on what I should do next.

MSRP = $74,445
MF = .0025
Selling Price = $68k? it’s different on the bank docs from the sales quote
Monthly Payment = ~$975

  • Dealer tried to increase my monthly payment $100 after I told them I wasn’t buying their $700 Resistall.

  • Finance manager can’t answer my question, “What exactly is the sales tax being applied to?” Sales tax went UP from $2027 to $2476 BUT the total cost went supposedly went down.

  • I qualify for the $500 military incentive.

dealer-vehicle website description_Redacted.pdf (1.8 MB)
original_deal_with_sales_Redacted.pdf (965.9 KB)
usbank-1_Redacted.pdf (1.4 MB)
usbank-2_Redacted.pdf (1.3 MB)
usbank-3_Redacted.pdf (1.3 MB)

Upload pics, not PDFs.

But why would anyone pay $975 for a GCL?


I’m glad this question was asked…I was going go ask the same question.

Very helpful comment. I’ve uploaded the format you demanded.

Thank you. Very helpful.

$43K in lease payments for a $68K Jeep Cherokee. Run (don’t walk) away from this deal.


Run away

You dont want a usbank deal anyway

Whats your zip code?

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Wait, they want that much a 4000 mile demo too?

Yeah…our first choice is a BMW X7 but having trouble finding a lease less than $1200/mo

Go to the marketplace section and find a broker to help you with a deal. Seriously.


Lets start with a more fundamental question…

What should this lease cost?

I’d rather hear an answer from people who have leased before or work in this business. Here’s a start:
Given same MF @ .0025
Let’s say 25% off MSRP = $55,834k

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Youll hit ~$850/mo on a new one at 10% off pre-incentive on a 36/12

Buy rate on this is .00215 fyi

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Messaged 3:
Auto Ninjas
Auto Companion

US Bank seems like a terrible idea, what’s the captive look like?

Sfs is ~$30/mo higher

And everything else in that segment is like ~$50k plus tax to buy.

This is way too much for a JGC in general. I think you could find a Wagoneer for that price. You should be getting at least a 20% discount on a loaner. If not, use a broker to find you one. Maybe there are not many options where you are in OK, so a broker can save you money by looking out of state.

Update -

Walked away from the lease and bought a 2023 Range Rover with 8k miles for $49k.

Thanks all.

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Wait, what?