I need a car & I have no idea where to start!

Hello! I can currently looking for two vehicles. One for my dad and one for me. I was interested in the Mazda CX-5, CX-50, Tuscon Hybrid, Honda CR-V hybrid, Jeep Wrangler 4xe, and Kia Sportage, but honestly, I’ll take any offer for the best bang for my buck. I am looking to lease as this will be my first vehicle so I am pretty much a beginner and have no where to start. Please help and any advice would be much appreciated. Thank You!

If youre in New Jersey, the answer is tesla model 3


One has nothing to do with another.

If anything, between credit, insurance and just the inevitable wear and tear every single person puts on their first couple cars, it could become cost-prohibitive very quick.

What’s your budget for the car and for insurance?

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Why lease when you can Crown Vic?


I can afford up to 450 a month on a lease. My insurance is probably going to be like 400-500 a month which is understandable.

An effective $450 doesn’t get you much these days… maybe a humdrum Nissan sedan like a Sentra or Altima.

So why would want to pay $900+ per month including insurance for that?


Any advice on what I should do? I thought a cx-5 or even a tuscon hybrid would be under $500 a month.

I wish, but I live in NYC.

How much is parking?

Hello, I live in NY. I am currently trying to get my first car. I am stuck between the CX-5 Turbo or Preferred Plus or the Sportage Hybrid EX. I want a car that saves me the most money, good on gas, drives in all weather, and drives comfortably. I was wondering which car give me the most bang for my bucks. Thank you very much.

Respectfully, a bunch o internet strangers aren’t qualified to tell you what car you would like.

Recommendation? Go sit in them, maybe test drive, go in with a target deal that you assemble using the LH method to determine your course of action.

Maybe watch some YouTube reviews too.

Leasing wise, there’s been some good Mazda deals in the NE from the @AutoNinjas team.

That is true. I was just wondering which car would save me the most money. I do not care how the car feels, to be honest. But I saw some good deals on the Mazda, so I am leaning toward the CX-5.

I street park, so it is free at a certain time.

Maybe first decide if you want to lease or finance. Some cars lease well while others can be financed well. Depending on your needs the answer would be very different.

Your explanation is simply not detailed enough for us to give a conclusive answer. e.g. Why do you prefer a CX-5 over a Tesla M3? Have you run lease numbers for both of them to know what the lowest you can get? Do you know how to use the LH calculator and run numbers for each car?

I am planning to lease. Yes, I ran the numbers for both cars and they both came out to similar pricing which is why I am contemplating on which car to choose from. Maybe because this is my first car and I still have more to understand and get used to the lingo, but maybe I wanted to know which car would save me more money in the long run.

Did you compare lease price or total cost, after insurance, fuel/electricity, etc?

I compared the lease price, but I didn’t compare the insurance price.

Be sure to look at the whole picture. It can vary significantly

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First car? How old are you? You can’t be the primary on a lease at 17, hence my question.

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How much do you drive? $900 gets you a lot of Uber rides. Plus you don’t have to worry about street parking.