Your request is not reasonable. Closest thing to it is a Base Nissan Leaf S if stars align. Goodluck in your search.
I think we may be getting cleverly trolled🤪. OP could already have a deal worked out that is close to this and will reveal it after getting lamblasted. That would be classic😁
lol i wish
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt😎
Otherwise…youll just become a meme here😳
If 288 month loans exist you can reach your finance goal.
yes no problem
If OP absolutely needs a car I’d bargain shop Craigslist and local ads for a non turbo Fiat 500, smart fourtwo, or 2nd gen prius.
I pay $150 a month for my bus pass here in NYC.
What part of SD do you live in? I can’t figure out why Uber/Lyft wouldn’t be an option for you if you only need to go some where a few times a month? Leasing a car right now is a minimum $275-325/mo proposition w/ drive offs. Plus high gas prices would make a ride share option the smart choice if you can do that for 12-24months. Maybe pick up a $1500 e-bike from Rad bikes in town to handle the trips needed that are close by and Uber for anything else.
This post was total click-bait. It got me! You don’t get what you don’t ask for! But seriously, OP, have you been living under a rock? Even if you were only remotely aware of what’s happening in the market and asking that question puzzles me. A car for $3600 for three years, including tax and initial registration? No words. When you find this magical car, please let us know so that I may be immediately humbled.
Considering he signed up 16 months ago…it is probably one of the best troll jobs I’ve ever seen.
- Sign up 16 months ago
- Post inflammatory topic
- Profit??
Dead horse has been beaten 38 times.