⭐ Hyundai 2025 IONIQ 5 SEL - $209+ tax / LIMITED $309+ tax / IONIQ 6 SEL $189+ tax : $2,000 DAS - GCauto

  • California residents only
  • Tier 1 credit
  • Includes all dealer fees (doc, DMV, registration)
  • Broker fee: $599, refundable if we cannot honor deal
  • For other make and models visit GCauto.com
  • 100+ :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Hackr Reviews

:arrow_double_down: Scroll down to last page for NEWEST price list :arrow_double_down:

:small_blue_diamond:Hassle-free :small_blue_diamond:Pre-negotiated :small_blue_diamond:Price guaranteed
Fill out a inquiry form or give us a text:
:calling: (669) 600-0355


what’s the terms and miles? 36mos/12K?

What are the prices without conquest?


Do you have any deals on Limited trims for Ioniq 5?

I just signed this today:

$13,000 single pay
2024 Ioniq 5 Limited
24mo - 12k

I think it was a pretty good deal but not really sure how to use the leasehackr calculator on a single pay. I can provide the dealer info if you’d like.

Dunno if I am allowed to reply here on this either. thanks

Can you do 36/10 by chance?

SoCal or NorCal

Are you able to broker a deal to Nevada residents?

I would love to get into a deal like this. I’m located in NorCal.

this is not a bad deal, and I’ve had offer around this price in the Bay Area. But, one pay.

Possible to get such a deal in SoCal?

Can you DM me the details? Or Cell phone to text for details on the above offer

Please DM me or share cell# for this one.

Can you please share prices without conquest and for one pay?

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Hi, is 2023 Toyota Highlander Hybrid consider conquest?

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Do they come with free charging of any kind?

I think they still come with EA. Every car comes with free EA charging, but there is a whole another thread on thata.

I’m looking for an Ioniq 5 Limited RWD in Digital Teal for my wife. What’s the Drive off and payments assuming 10k miles/year? Not sure if we’re going to do 24 months or 36 so can I get payment for each?

Also, I’m in the Sacramento area. Where does document signing and vehicle pickup happen?

I live in LA. How much would be the shipping cost from Norcal to here?

can you share prices for people without comp owner incentive?

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