How'd I do on my etron gt lease?


I don’t think I’m being defensive I’m trying to find a way out of this crap lease. Looks like buying out the lease asap is going to be the answer

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Yes, if you get finance instead of lease, you save quite a bit of $.

But is the lease itself is “crap” for an E-Tron GT? Meaning, is this just what the E-Tron GT goes for, or did you get a (much) worse deal than anyone else who is leasing an E-Tron GT?

I actually have not seen anything in this post that suggests that it is a terrible lease for that particular model.

Before you do I’d go back to them and say, “I wanted MSDs and I should have bought AudiCare and I’d rather have my equity cashed-out, and before I go refinance and buyout this lease, is it still possible to recontract (not change sales price or trade amount)” - whatever you want in a clear bullet list.

If you refinance they’re getting charged-back on the lease, and there is an opportunity to sell AudiCare which finance gets paid on. You could probably get them to repaper this if you don’t come to them with a printout of 100 LH messages and just bottomline the changes.


Audicare is $999 for the etron gt. Assuming Audicare still increases the RV by 1% ($1,150 in this case), Audi would essentially be paying the customer to take Audicare.

It still counts towards F&I’s penetration rate, which they are paid on.

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I thought one of the main reasons to lease vs. buy is to not get stuck with a car that has depreciated below the RV, especially a German car that might not have great resale options due to perceived/real reliability issues and high maintenance and repair costs.

The etrons were heavily discounted until the supply issues arose, and could again be heavily discounted in 3 years if the supply issues are resolved by then. Additionally, the etrons have had reliability issues.

Since Audi passed through the $7,500 tax credit, I believe OP is better off leasing vs. buying.

No they weren’t. These etrons weren’t a thing then.

Have you seen the MFs on these bad boys?

The Etron SUV was discounted quite a bit back then, you could have leased one for $500 a month… With the Etron GT you are lucky if can get one at mspr…

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Audi also threw a boat load of lease incentives on the etron SUV. That was pre-Covid.

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