How to work the deal?

hahaha… nah, I’ve already decided I hate the Jeep Compass, so we can take one off my list :wink: Honestly, there’s so many promising options for small->midsize SUVs that I just don’t know where to start! I’m sure my wife would be happy with any of them as long as they had all the “bells and whistles”. I really wish there was one place where you could check out every new car. I’m gonna go try to test drive a few tonight and see if I get some more options to try to find a deal on.

I feel you there. Going through/went through the same thing with my wife. Looking to replace her Escape purely out of wanting something new. Lots and lots and lots of great options out there. CX9 is great, but leases terribly, X1 felt like a mini (because it is) and nowhere near the price they want, X3 was good, wife hates the GLA/QX30, any suv that “looks like a hatchback” even though I kinda like em.

All in all, ended up with honing in on an RX350 (the NX F-Sport is also really nice) and they lease pretty well. Wasn’t even expecting to like a lexus as much as we thought we would. Just figured we’d pop in to do our due diligence just to say we did look like we did with infiniti.

What did you get the RX350 for a month

I worked a deal entirely over the phone this weekend. Asked for the sales manager directly. Told him stock number of the vehicle, made sure it was on their lot. Told him ready to lease today and wasn’t interested in haggling back and forth — can you do a sale price of XX,XXX. I knew the lease MF, residual and what similar models were leasing out for so I knew what my target sale price was. When he agreed I made sure that he went over all of the acquisition fees with me and that the MF and residual were the same that I had. Filled out all application forms online - credit check, info, etc. 1 hour later at the dealer, test drove the car. Paperwork waiting and ready, signed the deal - matched what we discussed. It can be done without stepping into the dealership, you just have to find the sales manager who is ready to deal and knows your serious.

Nice. I love hearing these successes.

Your story will surprise a lot of people here - they cannot believe that we hold as much power as car dealers do.

And we are quickly approaching the perfect storm… end of month… end of quarter and end of year manager quota bonus time. This is the first time New Year’s Eve is on a Saturday in a long time… will not happen again until the year 2022. Bottom line: if a dealer needs that one last sale to get hundreds of thousands in bonus money, we win. (Just make sure to take delivery on or before that Saturday).

By the way, you could have avoided the dealership altogether by having the car delivered to you… they would have even brought back your trade in from your home, too!

So just because the 31st is a Saturday, there will be unheard of, once in a decade deals? Some dealers have hundreds of thousands in bonus just because they need to sell an extra car? In that case, why not just sell it to their employees, friends and families for 50% MSRP? The 10k loss on that car would easily be offset by their mega bonus. They can even sell it to straw buyer on the 31st and then repurchase it in inventory the 3rd as a CPO if millions of bonus are on the line lol

Please do not post things that are dubious or not true.

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Funny you say this…

I have posted this audio before on this forum.

I will post it again (below)…

You will hear how a dealership in New York actually sold it to a family member at a huge discount just to make quota:

I say why not try it out.

You have nothing to lose but some time and a huge discount on your next new car to gain.

Email “car purchase orders” to dealerships all around you.

Set the price.

Include exactly what you want.

Give them a take-it-or-leave-it offer.

Do it the right way, and I bet you have your next car at a true bargain.

You assume all buyers are leisurely car buyers. Car buying is unfortunately the most stressful experience because people are buying with a timeline - they need to return their lease at month end, their car is having mechanical issues and finances are tight and or dealing with negative equity.

Not many people are like @Phantomcypher where they have the capital and lie in wait to strike at the 488 Maserati deal. Indeed the 488 Maserati deal shows that deals can be had year round not at end of year or quarter. May was the $250 volvo lease deal, June was the $100 BMW i3 lease deal, August was the Acura $199 lease deals with Edmunds coupon, October was the Ram $200 lease deal with Edmunds coupon etc etc

I challenge anybody to replicate the above deals on Dec 31st, those deals happened just because the dealers needed to make room for new year models or clear poorly selling ones.

The best time to buy a car is well, when you actually don’t need one but the dealer needs to sell one.

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I cordially disagree. I would remove one word: “don’t”:

The best time to buy a car is well, when you actually need one but the dealer needs to sell one.

It is all about knowledge.

It is all about logic.

And it is all about timing.

That is good info. Does this new year eve include a demo or loaner car or only include a new car?. Thanks.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (I keep linking to this article, because it is so telling).

I quote:



In simple speak, car dealers have S L O W L Y lowered their “invoice price” from 15 to 20% to under 5% over the last few decades.

And since most people have been brainwashed to think “invoice price” is the lowest price, car dealers are laughing all the way to the bank.

Today’s invoice price is a sick joke on the masses.

Because anyone can get triple the discounted invoice price - if they ask in the right way. And yes, this is for a brand new car - 2017!

Find me a triple discount on 2017 gls450 or range rover hse and will pay you a 1k broker fee

Yeah, what is triple the discounted invoice even mean?

I read it as triple the difference between msrp and invoice. So with 5 to 6% invoice below msrp he is claiming he can always get 15 to 18% off msrp

Well that is just a silly thing to say and hugely inaccurate. Every manufacturer has different kickbacks to the dealers. So there is a limit to how low they can go before they actually lose money on a car just by selling it. I know that with the Merc GLE that level was 13% discount. But with BMW they are not helping the dealers as much right now with kickbacks, it is mostly upfront with rebates so I could only go $2k below invoice purely with discount. Any lower than that and the dealer actually lost money because BMW would not give enough kick back. (Obviously I then had rebates to reduce it even further, but they are from BMW NA and not the dealer.)

“Just wait til Dec 31st. It’s triple discount day.” :head_bandage:

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