HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 4)

No. Tread lightly simply qualifies you for affiliate.

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No doubt summer helps Jeep sales.

I’d say your luck with the HA also has to do with the scarcity of those nationally. From

Ok, until next year then

I should have held out for more! I guess we earn our money after waiting so long for HA trim. This one was 5 months order to delivery so relatively fast for HA.

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Naw I think you did alright. You might have been able to squeeze more from a dealer that knows the value of the trim, but an easy profitable sale is good for everyone.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Random Jeep chatter

Damn! at $360, you can easily do a lease transfer IF Jeep allows it… Heck at $360 I might take it over! :slight_smile:

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Ccap does not allow lease transfers


They dont allow transfers unfortunately.

The guy at dealer tried to overcharge me on price. When I challenged he went back to supposedly to finance guys and came back with lower monthly. But it was still ~$25 higher than calculator So i challenged him on mf. He showed me the mf of one pay stating this is the mf. I told him go back and check thats not the mf used in this contract. He got pissed off.

He came back with $360 (basically using the one pay mf) it matches when I put in calculator. I don’t know how it happened but I signed it immediately:)

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So you got the one pay mf but didn’t do a one pay? Surprised ccap funded that

Yes. I was worried it won’t be funded too. But no issues.

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There are dealers in Michigan making good offers. Just need to look around. I know the carvana thing was super easy before but they’ve gotten too many 4xe owners taking low ball offers that’s what they’ve decided to do now in my opinion.


I think I would like a premium soft top now which I know could take 3-4 months to delivery (earlier I got a hard top that i am driving).

  1. Which one (hard or soft) have done better in case one decides to sell (socal region).
  2. cold weather, safety package good for resale or just keep bare minimum?
  3. What’s the best dealer for socal these days. Is it still clutch dealer?
  4. I ordered one from clutch before. Do i need to pay another non-refund deposit to clutch and dealer again, $500 each, to secure a 23 model?

Why would you need Cold pkg and Hard top in Southern California especially if you planning to flipit. Keep it to bare minimum.
Think Clutch still giving same rate but you need to order by August 31.

Where in MI are you getting good offers? I had 2 decent local dealer offers on my rubicon back in May, but in August my Sahara was getting massively lowballed by all 8-10 dealers i reached out to. Ultimately sold it to Carvana which was the highest offer

Now on my TRX, it’s the same whirlpool of lowball offers by local dealers

Flipping is dead in CA. I ordered a basic Sahara 4xe from Clutch and sold this week. Less than 1k profit.


post your msrp
selling price
and sold price
and who bought it
so we can use it as a data point :slight_smile:

Sahara 4xe with hard top, MSPR 58k, 9% off, 2k transportation, 1k registration/broker fee. Sold to local North CA automation BMW dealer for 49.5k (original offer 48.5k).

Local Jeep dealer offers 45k. They said that’s their cost to get a new one.

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holy FFFF
shipping that expensive from Louisiana, was it enclosed?
damn and people still wanna order a 23 with those shitty offers coming in

It’s open, not enclosed. The new shipper for the LA dealership is expensive ($500 more than others).