HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 2)

My build will only see a $1815 price increase, still thankful for SOP. (Sahara, SOT, Cold Weather, Gorilla Glass, Sting Grey, All season floor mats)

@RobC2 That doesnā€™t work in your favor :joy:

Im just saying because a buyer crazy enough to pay these crazy prices is probably dumb enough to care about the sticker price rather than features

Wow. Thanking my lucky stars.

Sahara w/Body Color Hardtop, Safety, and Cold Weather

11/1 - Ordered from Chapman
1/13 - Build Sheet
1/14 - Window Sticker (Original POC MSRP)

Per Jeep Chat, slated to arrive 1/17 - 1/31

Does anyone know if Chapman provides a front plate bracket?

If your state requires it they do. May need to mail it to you but they do.

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Thanks! Iā€™m in NY, so Iā€™ll need it

Iā€™m really upset that they replaced Hellayella with this baby piss color, but I will probably buy it anyways.


It will not come with the car. Make sure you tell Steve L (nicest guy which will prob show you the car and set up your mopar account) and heā€™ll mail you one . Itā€™s like a $15 part.

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nice! congrats! the how did you get the monthly payment!?

Personally, I never use them. I donā€™t like drilling into a new car. I wind up attaching a front plate with zip ties instead.

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Most people tend to find that out before they sign and drive away.


Just ran the numbers for the price difference on my semi loaded Rubicon. Itā€™s 1,823 more on Invoice or $1,732 after discount (with Chapman). I donā€™t like it but at least itā€™s not over 2k more.

Itā€™s about a 3% increase. That sounds about right as the CPI year over year has gone up 7%.
Letā€™s go Brandon!


Just some food for thought, incase someone is on the edge btw. Sahara and Rubicon. Due to a higher RV on the Rubicon, One-Pay is actually cheaper than Sahara even though MSRP is 6k higher :smile:

$12372 Sahara vs. $12348 Rubicon


What GG warranty lol? My windshield was cracked within the first 2 months and took it in to a Jeep dealership to get it checked. They were told ā€œGorilla Glass factory installations arenā€™t covered by physical damage.ā€ Now if I were to get it replaced, it would fall under warranty. Seems ass backwards to me but it is what it is. Should just add windshield coverage to my policy.

is there no way to get an online payoff quote from CCAP? Iā€™ve been searching and canā€™t find the option anywhere.

Call them, theyā€™ll email it over. I never saw it appear in my online account.


Youā€™ll have to call or email them for the payoff amount. They usually email you back the next day M-F.


Plenty of people have had their GG windshields replaced under warranty. That sounds like your dealership just didnā€™t want to put in the effort.

Looks like another 863 trucks were built in the span of last 8 days.


Technically, this is low isnt it? I thought I remember reading they pump out 800 wranglers a day, I assume that was pre-pandemic/shortages though?

Edit: Ignore this, for some reason I forgot Jeep made other Wranglers that werenā€™t 4xeā€™s and this graph is probably just 4xeā€™s. Neeeevermind.

I just called them and they email over personal lease payoff. Prior, I tried via email through my online account and just got a reply with the buyout amount only.

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