HOW TO GET A GOOD WRANGLER 4XE Deal; Buckle up for a LONG read! (Part 1)


Idk how people can say not worth it or impossible to flip. The 9k equity check i got last Friday from carmax begs to differ lol


I was able to flip mine for over 10k in profit. That was before the first increase and with 11% off MSRP


These price increases help the flipping quite a bit, because you’re not comparing today’s ordering prices vs today’s purchase prices.

Its one guy and hes wrong :slight_smile:


Definitely worth it. Just the folks talking about flips on the 4xE need to disclose that these are on orders that took 4-15 weeks to arrive.

This is an unprecedented market and at anytime the market can shift prior to your car arriving.

Now this likely won’t happen yet the risks exists.

So yes you can make money on the 4xE but there does exist a small chance you may not,

Also remember Chrysler can stop lease buyout anytime they want without warning. It can happen tomorrow. How many people got burned when Tesla stopped lease buyout out of nowhere?

You have to be OK with getting stuck with the car for 36 months.

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Thank you! Well said!

I just decided to give him some info and if he still decided to disagree or whatever then just leave it at that. Nice check btw. Congrats!

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Any info on whether acquisition fee is waived for Mid-Atlantic/Pennsylvania for November?

The tesla buyouts are a burning that you can’t even cure since they don’t allow personal purchases either. At least here if CCAP stopped 3rd party buyouts, you’d still have the option of buying it yourself.


That’s correct. But except for Californians, personal buyout wipes out most of the equity after paying sales tax.

4xe isn’t even on the Great Lakes sheet this month, so I’m assuming that’s a no go on waiver :confused:

Certainly wipes out some of it, but when you have people making $10k profit, you’re still talking about potentially thousands after the tax man gets his cut. More importantly, though, it gives an out.

Personally, I’m hoping I can drive the thing for a while and then just break even when something else catches my attention.


I don’t have access to that. Maybe @AutoCompanion can help or @Bostoncarconcierge

I think you’re correct - I’ve been calculating the full monthly payment.

I believe it was said that your payoff is: “Selling price - $7500 + drive offs/upfront tax”

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Thank you, Sir.

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MF is now official: .00134


Dang, no more acquisition fee waiver for the west :’(

Maybe it will take my Jeep a month to get from the port to the dealer and they’ll bring it back in December haha.

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