How to generate TDM codes for Jeep


I noticed that on certain days it is near impossible but then other days its fairly easy. You can always try the next day if today doesn’t work

does this work for alfa as well? Did anyone try? Or can the Jeep code apply to alfa as well?

You can generate one for alfa on alfa’s website

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Just generated one using cell phone (laptop won’t work) using chrome. Thanks a lot!

Just got one for $500 on truecar

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Anyone can help me get a Dodge TDM code? Mine expired.

Guys I know I’ve generated hundreds of these but they’re as dead for me as they are for you. Happy to let you know if that changes.

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What vehicle were you bilding on the site?

Elsewhere online I’ve been seeing if you fill out the " Get Exclusive Access To The Latest News" popup that sometimes a few days later you get a $1,000 TDM… does anyone share that experience?

That’s how it used to be. It’s been dead for a week.

anyone have any luck on generating one? My previous one expired and car coming in next week

Was this a custom order? If so, you just needed to have ordered the vehicle before today. Read the fine print on the code

Not sure if you guys know, they are back up, get em while u can

Just verified this is working as of today.

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+1 for today. Incognito, changed zip, clicked around for a minute.

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Took a few tries using Chrome in incognito mode on my PC, clearing browsing data in between attempts, Used zip 94506. Got a $1500 off Wagoneer to pop up first when building a Wagoneer, then the generic $1000 after 3-4 more attempts to build GC.

Anyone had any luck lately? I’ll keep trying though!

Pm me your first and last name email and zip code and I can probably get you one.

Not pulling now but did have luck yesterday.

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I’ve been trying to get a TDM code for a wrangler for the past few days and no luck.

Tried throwing my hat in the ring today, and no luck so far…Someone suggested trying it out in the mornings…so hope we all get it soon…godspeed :slight_smile: