How to find Tesla deals NJ

Your best bet is to look for discount inventory or demo units, but these units move very fast in NJ, you need to be watching the tesla site, or using a notifier, to beat others to it. Here is example pricing for a M3 LR AWD in NJ with a $5K demo discount, this unit is available now


On top of the inventory or demo discount, you can stack other incentives-

  1. $7500 federal tax credit
  2. $2K ChargeUp NJ (if you and vehicle qualify)
  3. Referral discounts. Now $2K for new customers.
  4. Conditional incentives like Military.

With the above stacked on this demo unit, you would be at $33K before tax and fees.

A few good sites to help you find discounted inventory: - Lets you create searches and notifications.
DennisCW Discord - Dennis updates best deals every day. A good place to get a referral link.

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