How to enhance cctv footage

Hey guys,

I recently upload a thread regarding hit and run. Luckily, I was able to retrieve the cctv footage from the store around the incident. Its mostly clear except for the license plate number. Anyone know a place or how to enhance this license plate footage? My insurance said if I have a license plate number, i have higher chance that nothing will come out from my pocket

You could give the folks at NCIS or CSI a call, or try this place;

So they are implying that although there is evidence of someone else hitting you, they won’t comp you because they can’t see the license plate?

Correct. If they can identify the other party, they can have his insurance pay for the deductible of OP. otherwise, it is treated as uninisured/unidentified motorist claim and Op has to pay deductible …

And it also goes on record as a claim paid…for which the OP will be end up paying for in the years to come :frowning:

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If you have any friends in law enforcement preferably a Detective or your local FBI field office they could do it. If you can get it online post it up and see if someone here can help. I have photoshop and lightroom i may be able to clean it up a bit.

Is there anything you don’t know how to do lol? You sell Ioniqs and hellcats and also do lightroom in your spare time? Are you good with dogs too… :slight_smile:


I have many hobbies and when i find one i dont go in half hearted lol (or cheap). Ioniqs was a one off, Hellcats is having a friend in the industry, and lightroom we own a Photography business as well as a coffee roasting business so we needed these programs for website design and photo editing.


Have you gone to the police? Depends where you live of course, in LA they seem unlikely to care. In a suburb they might help you out.

As an aside, A friend of a friend had this happen to him a few years back. Big difference was a good samaritan got the drivers plate as they sped away. When confronted with this evidence, the perp consulted with his lawyer and made a very generous cash settlement offer in exchange for concluding the matter. His lawyer likely having told him that if police got involved he would likely lose his license for a while and have a misdemeanor conviction placed on his record.

Another idea: post on social media something like “Do you know this car?” Give description, location, offer reward. Someone may rat their buddy out.

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I live in DTLA and I dont think they will help. Or should I give it a shot? Do you know anyone that might be able to help on reading the license plate number?

What kind of car was it? Make, model, color and possibly guess at the year? this might narrow it down a lot.
For example, if it is a 2018 white R8, 202k MSRP then it would narrow it down substantially!

Probably won’t help but assuming your schedule permits I’d get a police report anyhow. Just go to any police station in the jurisdiction and bring video if you can. Probably won’t help but I’d definitely get the report on the off chance it matters for insurance/police look into it.

Screenshot it and upload here and Reddit. Internet sleuths will solve this mystery for ya.

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Nice, just worry that it might be illegal (?)

Lol dont know the year but it was an old silver pontiac. Will upload photo later today

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Hit and run is also illegal, so what’s more illegal? :slight_smile:

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Lol your right

With such a classic vintage ride, odds are the person was uninsured/illegal/unregistered/unlicensed, so I think you’re out of luck, plate or no plate. Look for the perp under the nearest overpass, coz he might be sleeping in it…

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