How to calculate lease with BMW "lease cash"

Where is lease cash applied for BMW?

Does it come off MSRP or off of capitialized cost?

Trying to negotiate my own deal, but unsure how to calculate for the lease cash vs % off MSRP

In the lease calculator it would be a “taxed or untaxed incentive.” Depending on if your state taxes the rebate or not. You have to look at your deal sheet and see how the dealer lays it out. Some hide rebates/incentives in the “discount” and doesn’t break it down into “dealer discount” then “rebates” as separate line items. Do you have a deal sheet to share yet?

I don’t even have a deal sheet. I saw a deal in marketplace way below market for a 2023 bmw i7 close and then on edmonds I confirmed that there is $20,000 lease cash.

I want to try to negotiate MSRP off first, and then ask them to apply the lease cash after. But I am not sure how best to do it.

I always just go with a broker, but no one wants to help me on this deal.

Trying to figure it out…

Are there still '23s out there? And do they still have lease support?


This is a huge waste of time. Trying to negotiate things line by line indepedenrly is a recipe for failure.

There are two options and two options only.

Either itemize everything in an offer or only give monthly and due at signing amount.

Anything in between leaves ambiguity in your negotiations and sets you up to be on different pages than the dealer.

That’s fine. I just need to figure out how much MSRP.

Trying to replicate this deal: I don’t have all the numbers obviously

Based off a car I saw in marketplace, I am calculating 12.4% off MSRP and $20,000 lease cash as untaxed incentive; edmonds has RV as 54% for 36/7500 and MF as .00190

Incentives are taxed in CA. You also can’t leave out the dealer and gov fees. Gov fees are a good $1500

Im also not seeing anywhere near $20k in lease cash on this with a CA zip code in ratefindr

Maybe I’m wrong. One broker posted it and then I asked on edmonds.

2023 BMW i7 Lease Deals and Purchase Prices - Page 2 — Car Forums at

If that’s the case, then that broker had even more off of MSRP because it was 0 DAS.

Looks like ratefindr may not have updated yet.

I just checked mdesking and it is showing $20k plus another $5k for loyalty

Have you reached out to @PlatinumMotorImports to see if they have anything comparable?

Ratefindr is showing most of the incentives as expiring on 10/31 - I see you asked today in Edmunds. Ratefindr abd Edmunds are essentially pulling from thr same database, it could be that it isn’t updated yet. We see it frequently that it takes a couple of days.

Ya could be. Another broker told me lease support is dropped as of today.

Too bad, looks like I was behind on this one.

Another broker posted $20,000 lease cash for 2023 BMW i7 x60 for November as incentive:

I reached out to PMI this morning and no response. Other brokers who I have worked with in the past said they can’t help me

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On the official BMW program guide released today for November, it’s just $20,000 lease cash for the 2023 i7 xDrive60, but there is no loyalty.

This is what im seeing listed as available. Possible it applies to different models and is miscategorized I suppose

Yeah that’s a correct description of how loyalty works. But the 2023 i7 is showing $0 for loyalty this month. The gas-powered 2023 7-Series however has $15k lease cash and $5k loyalty, so perhaps it’s picking up the $5k loyalty from there.

Update: For purchasing, there is $10k finance credit and $5k loyalty credit on the 2023 i7, so it’s technically not wrong about the $5k loyalty - it’s just not on a lease, only on purchase.

Program code does seem to not align with the normal loyalty codes, so may be mdesking being weird

so what’s the latest on the $20k lease credit on 2023 i7s? Some dealers say yes there is one, others say no there isn’t such a thing, and a few more saying yes whatever is available applies.