How are the waters for the Hellcats/ScatPacks?

Is it at all possible to get a good deal on one of these? Charger or Challenger. I know last year this time, the Hellcats were being offered at some aggressive prices… sub $600/month for the HCs and obviously even less for the SPs. I’ve been digging the past couple of weeks and I can’t find any solid information yet. I do know that the HC’s RV & MF is fairly good.

Errr I was speaking with @lazarus and he had some comments on motor production.


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High 6s was possible last year on a standard challenger hellcat, not the Charger’s or widebody or redeye.

Right now you won’t get a good deal on a charger or challenger because all the Charger’s on lots are redeyes with atrocious mf(5%) and 57% residual for 36/10.

All standard hellcat motors are going towards trx and durango hellcats as far as I have heard.

Last month you couldn’t even order any charger hellcat variant.

It’s tough sledding for hellcat leases and at this point buying one might be the best option.

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I don’t believe the ones I had inquired about, but I could be mistaken.

What about the ScatPack Widebodys? Those numbers usually aren’t horrible either, but I think there is only $1,500 lease cash for my region this month. I’m hoping there’s a dealer that will play ball with a leftover 2020.

Post some of the numbers your getting because I think you will be shocked when chasing a wide body. CDJR dealers notoriously don’t part with these cars easy and now with the motor shortage and impending Stellantis changes. Im hearing people are scooping up everything SRT as they will be scarce in the coming years.

Great, so all hope is lost. :joy: I would entertain getting a non-WB as well, but I’m certainly not going to pay a premium. I really don’t love any of the Dodge cars to begin with, but I would’ve been interested in the Hellcat power or a Scatpack at the right price.

I’ll have to post numbers when I hear back from some.

Scat pack widebodies? I would say 5s is about where you will end up.

There’s no lease cash on hellcats, unless you live in southwest region and that was Last year, haven’t checked lately.

I’m also fairly certain there’s no lease cash on scat pack widebodies.

Last year if you had employee pricing you could snag a charger wb in the 6s if it was not very optioned out, technically you could still do on it a 2020 but there’s not that many left, 5 or 6ish and they are mostly well optioned out.

Are you meaning 5s all in or is that with money down?

What about the “standard” ScatPacks? Have you been dealing with those at all? I saw somewhere on here, recently, that someone is eyeing a 24/10 on one that is quite aggressive…not sure if that is a unicorn or not…

That would be with no cap cost reduction just standard driveoffs i.e doc fee, tag, 1st month, etc etc

The manuals are not being produced FYI in case you were like me And wanted to get a stick

Interesting, I know there are some of the lots yet but I wasn’t aware that manual production has stopped. What have you been seeing for offers?

Apparently the power dollar rebate doesn’t apply to leases (4850 scat over 7k hc) which makes them terrible to lease. Much better to buy.

Correct, the power dollars aren’t applicable to a lease…IF they were, boy would that be good picking! I don’t know if I could justify a buy either, especially right now. I wouldn’t totally trust it to hold value and be able to able to come out ahead (or even) in a couple of years or so.

As a data point, i leased for three years and at the end the buyout was 43k it sold at auction for 57k.

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Hellcat, I’m assuming? Also, that was pre-virus…it may more difficult to find a great purchase/lease price right now?

Yes hellcat, Pre Flu…And i dont know havent chased myself but see alot of feedback here on leases. Purchase is the way to go, and then sell it.

Regardless, my word - put that trophy on your shelf. I know Hellcats used to lease at stupid prices… I’m still kicking myself for not getting one at the time, but it was higher than I had wanted for a monthly at the time.

Yea i mean they were going for great deals back then…we wont ever see that again.

Go get a LT1 for cheap, its super fun and from a dig gives hellcats a run.

Yes, we can hope but I wouldn’t be betting in favor.

I’m actually trying to get dealers to play on some LT1’s but I haven’t received anything great so far. I have a 2SS (not leased) that I’ve been offered crazy money for… I’m sure many dealers are scraping for nice used vehicles. I wouldn’t mind getting rid of that and making some, BUT that obviously means that I need to replace it with something that I could tolerate.