Homelessness Discussion

Even renaming it ‘unhoused’ versus ‘homeless’. Words do matter, and more attention should be paid to words with an agenda behind them.

It was offered as a simple refutation against a pointless blaming, when I believe we can all agree the issues themselves are not ‘partisan’, insomuch as the solutions may be. I gather from a quick follow of your link that this act was funded for two years, established a federal advisory council which forced states to report to, and largely bolstered existing systems (possibly establishing a few along the way), but my takeaway is this is the most prominent federal legislation passed by Congress directly addressing the homeless crisis in the late 1980’s. I can confirm SRO unit occupancy exploded in the tenderloin, china town and Civic Center/upper Market areas during this time, and the City ‘seemed’ to be cleaning up its act. It still had a long way to go to get where it is now, as untreated wounds tend to worsen.

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