Hi, I'm ChevyPhil. If you have Any Chevy Or GM questions post them here or Tag me and i'll help out

Thanks! Didn’t ask about 10k miles as wasn’t interested. But it will be about 10-12$/mo less i guess. I will share the name in pm. Don’t want to hijack this thread

Reading about this has be interested in perhaps leading a bolt!

Hi Phil,

I have enjoyed reading your detailed posts. I am in MO and trying to get a traverse with leather or really anything with 3rows and leather. Can you help with a traverse deal for comparison?

Thank you!

if your in the bay area and looking for a volt, pm or text me. keep in mind everyone’s tax rate is different based on where you live and can change the payment slightly.
If anyone see’s a payment slightly different then mine, contact me and let me know, i’m flexible.

Also I don’t include the first payment waiver in my quotes because I don’t want to answer a million questions about it, but I can always use that to go slightly lower.

Phil Gileno
Capitol Chevrolet
San Jose C.A.

MSRP: [$36,945]
Selling Price: [$34,804]
Rebates: [Chevrolet Select Market Incremental CCR $750, Chevrolet Lease Cash $750, GM Competitive Lease Private Offer $1,500, Chevrolet Select Model Incremental CCR Program $1,500]
Trade-in: [$0]

Months: [36]
Annual Mileage: [10,000]
MF: 0.00098
Residual: [59%]

Security Deposit: [$0]
Total Due At Signing: [$0]
Monthly Payment (incl. tax): [$369] $338 plus your local tax rate

Zip Code: [95136]
Sales Tax Rate: [9.25%]

Phil Gileno
Capitol Chevrolet a DGDG Dealership.
San Jose C.A.

you seem kind of argumentative to Jon when he’s just trying to help. Non of us are invested in your personal issue but taking time out to help.
As far as I/We know, we as the dealership can’t do anything about the disposition fee.
Now if it is that they “Can’t” or a “Won’t” doesn’t really matter if their not going to do it. So our collective advice is that you can’t get that taken out ahead of time.
And if your getting a LH deal, its a loss to them anyway so you don’t have much leverage. I hope this helps.
Just try to get the lowest sales price possible and then some to make it worth it. Happy Hunting!

Not really argumentative to Jon, just replying to his statement that my post was a long statement for such a simple question. I had tried to include all relative information so there would be no question as to what I was asking or what had occurred in the past with the fee.

3% off MSRP is good? Guess you haven’t learned anything since being on these forums.

I guess after seeing his reply to another poster who is new belittling them for only getting 3% off a possible sale price, I just wanted to let him know I don’t have to appease him.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the question. Not sure why the reps at GM Financial thought otherwise, but I’ll go with your answer as final.

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lol I didn’t see him say that. Just saw that last part. But yea, i’m not sure why GM reps would say that, maybe their right. But wither way the dealerships don’t do it. I honestly don’t know if they can or not. But I havn’t heard of it being done.

Just want to let you guys now that @ChevyPhil is the real deal. I picked up a Volt LT with leather seats from him last weekend and the whole process was smooth and (relatively) quick. In and out in 2 hours and am paying $0.50/month a less than his quote due to a lower tax rate. Phil mentioned that for those who have a higher tax rate, he just ends up eating the extra cost. Good guy!”

Hi Phil,

Was wondering if you can run a price for a Chevy volt Premier? 36 Month 12k per year, I am in the area, so 9.25 tax rate.

What Trim version of the Colorado has the best RV?

Any with Bonus Tags?

Well, what do you think of his 2018 Equinox deal that was $3k drive-off, $310/month, 48/12k? I’m not on here to spoon feed newbies. If they put in the effort to learn/research more before posting, then I’m usually much nicer.

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Hi Phil - I have two payments left on a Leaf (ends in July) and want to switch to a Bolt Premier…do you think the Memorial Day type sales will be better than those for the 4th of July ones?

pretty sure every dealer has said, there is no such thing as memorial day sales. The only reason memorial day might be better is that its the end of the month so dealers have incentives to hit quotas, but that’s not a memorial day issue.

Your biggest Q would be do you think the gmf incentives are going to get worse by july (and I’d guess most people would say they can’t imagine them getting worse)

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Ah ok. Forgive the newbie terminology then…

no problem, just giving my 2c. others might disagree

Good things come to those who wait? Maybe :blush:

I don’t disagree but I’m in the mood to argue

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seems like a $1k Lexus incentive hit today just in time for memorial day. we will see what else the weekend brings.

I’m out of bonus tags on premier’s but may get management to do a larger dealer discount on a premier. They come with or without a few options, contact me direct for a quote. I’d be happy to find a car that works for you. LT’s are easy, most people want the cheapest one lol.